王熙照 Wang Xizhao


深圳大学 大数据研究所


王熙照,博士,教授,博士生导师,IEEE Fellow,Springer杂志Machine Learning and Cybernetics主编。

 1998年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学计算机系,获工学博士学位(计算机应用专业);1998年至2001年赴香港理工大学计算学系合作研究,任研究员(Research Fellow);2000年10月至2014年3月任河北大学数学与计算机学院院长,2007年10月至2014年3月任河北省机器学习与计算智能重点实验室主任;2013年9月至11月加拿大Simon Fraser大学访问教授(Visiting Professor),2013年12月至2014年1月加拿大Alberta大学访问教授;2014年7月至9月澳大利亚New South Wales大学访问教授;2014年3月至今任深圳大学计算机与软件学院教授、大数据研究所副所长。


学术贡献包括:首次在1996攻读博士期间提出了“模糊示例学习”的概念,并将这一概念扩展到基于不确定性理论的机器学习框架下,持续近20的研究取得了系列有重要影响的成果,例如,项目“模糊值属性特征子集的选取”2007年获得河北省自然科学一等奖、项目”加权模糊规则泛化的能力研究”在国家自然科学基金结题评价为优秀。依托国家自然科学基金项目“归纳学习中的不确定性研究(#61170040)”,通过在“不确定性”领域深入研究,提出的“不确定性是影响机器学习算法泛化能力主要因素之一”的观点,得到同行专家的高度认可,曾应邀作为特邀编辑在不确定领域的顶级期刊Fuzzy Sets and Systems和International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems上编辑专刊两期,系统地展示了不确定性度量与表示在大数据环境下机器学习中的作用之国际最前沿研究动态。 

研究成果包括:共出版学术专著3部,教材2部;在机器学习与不确定性领域的著名杂志和会议发表学术论文150多篇,其中SCI、EI检索100余篇;论文发表的杂志包括IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(1篇)、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems(5篇)、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(5篇)、Machine Learning (1篇)、Information Sciences(5篇)和Fuzzy Sets and Systems(9篇)。Google Scholar搜索显示论文累计引用次数超过2500次,单篇最高引用超过200次,H因子2014年12月查询为21;主持完成国家自然科学基金项目、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、国家发改委项目、河北省自然科学基金重点项目及参加香港RGC项目等30多项。 

获奖与荣誉:2007年获河北省自然科学一等奖1项、教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学二等奖1项,2007年入选河北省首批百名优秀创新人才支持计划,2009年获全国模范教师称号;2012年当选为IEEE Fellow,2013年入选深圳市地方领军人才,2014年入选Elsevier统计的学术论文高被引中国学者榜单,2015年认定为深圳市海外高层次(孔雀B类)人才。


 1979.09-1983.06  河北大学数学系学习

1983.07                     河北大学数学系获理学学士学位(数学专业)

1985.09-1987.07 上海交通大学应用数学系研究生班学习

1990.02                    河北大学数学系获理学硕士学位(基础数学专业)

1995.09-1996.07  哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与工程系学习博士学位课程

1998.09                     哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与工程系获工学博士学位(计算机应用专业)



1983.07-1988.01 助教,河北大学数学系

1988.02-1993.06 讲师,河北大学数学系

1993.07-1998.10  副教授,应用数学教研室主任,河北大学数学系

1998.09-2001.09  研究员(Research Fellow),香港理工大学计算科学系

2000.10-2014.03 教授/博导,院长,河北大学,数学与计算机学院 

2014.03-今              教授/博导, 深圳大学,计算机与软件学院


IEEE-SMC董事局成员(2005, 2007-2009, 2012-2014) 


IEEE SMC Baoding Chapter 主席 

国际杂志Machine Learning and Cybernetics主编 

国际杂志IEEE Transactions on SMC Part(B) 副主编 

国际杂志Information Science 副主编 

国际杂志Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence副主编 









河北省大学生数学建模组委会主任 (2004-2015)





赵艳霞, 2015级管理科学与工程专业,博士在读,工作单位:河北经贸大学

Rana Aamir Raza Ashfaqa, 2014级通讯工程专业,博士在读,工作单位:巴基斯坦



Abdallah Bashir Musa Hmed,2009级管理科学与工程专业,博士毕业(2014),工作单位:苏丹

何玉林, 2009级光学工程,博士毕业(2014),工作单位:深圳大学博士后在站

翟俊海, 2006级光学工程,博士毕业(2011),工作单位:河北大学

鲁淑霞, 2003级光学工程,博士毕业(2008),工作单位:河北大学 



2014级计算机科学技术专业, 赵兴敏,硕士在读

2014级软件工程专业, 张天伦,硕士在读

2014级软件工程专业, 王智,硕士在读

2014级应用数学专业, 张凡,硕士在读

2014级应用数学专业, 崔义新,硕士在读


2012 级计算机科学技术专业,朱红,硕士毕业(2015),现在澳门科技大学攻读博士学位

2011 级应用数学/计算机科学技术专业,王鑫、 / 陈建凯、张健, 硕士毕业(2014),河北大学数学与信息科学学院工作


 12)IEEE-SMC最活跃SMC技术委员会奖,2009 IEEE Outstanding Committee on Computational Intelligence, Received in the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, October 11-14, 2009, Hyatt Regency River-walk, San Antonio, Texas, USA 

11)IEEE-SMC杰出Chapter奖,2008 IEEE Outstanding SMCs Chapter Award, Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, October 12-15, 2008,Singapore, International Convention and Exhibition Centre 


9) 教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学2等奖,第4完成人,(项目名称:复杂不确定环境下软计算技术及其应用),2007 

8) 河北省自然科学3等奖,第1完成人,(教育部科学技术研究重点项目和教育厅项目:带有交互作用的模糊分类和模糊推理研究) ,2007 

7) 河北省科技进步3等奖,第2完成人,(河北省教育厅项目:Internet上用户访问信息与中文文本信息的挖掘及应用) ,2007

6) IEEE Transactions on SMC Part B最佳副主编奖,2006 IEEE SMC Best Associate Editor Award, Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, October 8-11, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, CHINA

 5) IEEE-SMC杰出贡献奖,2004 IEEE SMC Outstanding Contribution Award, Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man Cybernetics, October 12-15, 2004, Netherlands Congress Center, The Hague, HOLLAND 

4) 河北省自然科学3等奖,第1完成人,(河北省自然科学基金项目: 基于模糊信息的示例学习理论和算法),2003 

3) 黑龙江省科技进步1等奖,第8完成人,(项目名称:农业专家系统及其开发工具研究) ,2002 

2) 河北省教委科技进步2等奖,第3完成人,(河北省自然科学基金资助项目: 不精确信息的定量表示与不确定性数据库理论),1994 

1) 河北省教委科技进步2等奖,第2完成人,(国家自然科学基金资助项目: 模糊信息处理的数学基础),1993 


36)2014年9月12日,Seminar in University of New South Wales at Canberra,澳大利亚,报告题目:Learning from Big Symbolic Data 35)2014年7月14日,The 13th International Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,兰州,报告题目:Big Data with Uncertainty 34)2014年5月12日,东北大学,沈阳,报告题目:Learning from Big Data 33)2013年10月15日,Univ. of Aberystwyth,英国,报告题目:ELM for Big Data Classification 32)2013年8月7日,Workshop on Random Weight Networks,银川,报告题目:Random Weight Neural Network for Big Data Classification 31)2013年8月1日,Workshop on big data,天津大学,天津,报告题目:ELM for Big Data Classification 30)2013年7月28日,the 9th China annual conf. on uncertainty systems,邯郸,报告题目:Big Data Classification under Uncertainty Environment 29)2013年7月4日,中国农业大学理学院,北京,报告题目:RWN:大数据机器学习的一种新技术 28)2013年6月24日,深圳大学,深圳,报告题目:RWN:大数据机器学习的一种新技术 27)2013年4月28日,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院智能信息处理实验室,深圳,报告题目:New Advances in Architecture Selection of Random Weight Networks 26)2012年12月21日,香港城市大学,香港,报告题目:Architecture Selection of RWNs and Their Improved Training Algorithms 25)2012年12月12日,2012 International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines,新加坡,报告题目:Architecture Selection of RWNs and Their Improved Training Algorithms 24)2012年12月9日,马来西亚科技大学,马来西亚,报告题目:Architecture Selection of RWNs and Their Improved Training Algorithms 23)2012年11月28日,Swinburne University,墨尔本,澳大利亚,报告题目:Architecture Selection of RWNs and Their Improved Training Algorithms 22)2012年11月27日,The 1st Computer Science Workshop in La Trobe University,墨尔本,澳大利亚,报告题目:Architecture Selection of RWNs and Their Improved Training Algorithms 21)2012年10月14-17日,韩国首尔,参加IEEE-SMC年会、董事会并作大会主题报告 20)2012年9月29日,广州工业大学,广州,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 19)2012年9月24-28日,香港城市大学,香港,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 18)2012年4月28日,华南理工大学,广州,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 17)2012年4月25日,河南师范大学,新乡,报告题目:Uncertainty in Random Weight Network 16)2012年3月12日,苏州大学973项目研讨会议,苏州,报告题目:Intelligent Information System and Learning in Uncertain Environments 15)2011年11月10日,IEEE-SMC Distinguished Lecture Program,香港城市大学,香港,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 14)2011年11月2日,河北大学,保定,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 13)2011年9月7日,IEEE-SMC Distinguished Lecture Program,香港理工大学,香港,报告题目:Different Writing: from Academic Papers to Research Proposals 12)2011年8月29日,中山大学,广州,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 11)2011年8月26日,IEEE-SMC Distinguished Lecture Program,香港理工大学,香港,报告题目:Handling Uncertainty in Supervised Learning 10)2010年6月,新乡大学,新乡,报告题目:Inverse Problem of Support Vector Machines and Its Applications 9) 2009年8月,the 9th Conference of China Rough Set and Soft Computing,河北师范大学,石家庄,报告题目:A Comparative Study on Rule Generation Between Decision-tree-based and Rough-set-based Approaches 8) 2009年5月10日,浙江海洋大学,舟山,报告题目:Sample Selection Based on Maximum Uncertainty 7) 2008年12月8日,IEEE-SMC Distinguished Lecture Program,台湾科技大学,台湾,报告题目:Sample Selection Based on Maximum Uncertainty 6) 2008年12月5日,2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics,景文科技大学,台湾,报告题目:Fuzzy Integral and Its Application to Classification 5) 2008年10月31日,14届中国模糊数学与模糊系统会议,福建,报告题目:Fuzzy Integral and Its Application to Classification 4) 2008年9月22日,IEEE-SMC Distinguished Lecture Program,香港城市大学,香港,报告题目:Fuzzy Integral and Its Application to Classification 3) 2006年9月18日,2006 Asian Fuzzy Systems Society International Conference,保定,报告题目:Information Fusion based on Fuzzy Integrals and Its Application to Classification 2) 2006年10月10日,13届中国模糊数学与模糊系统会议,陕西师范大学,西安,报告题目:Theoretical Foundations of Statistical Learning Theory and Research on the Generalization of SVM 1) 2006年8月15日, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,大连,报告题目:SVM Inverse Problem and Its Application to Decision Tree Induction  


[11] CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) 481, Springer, The 13 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Lanzhou, China, 13-16.Editors: Xi-zhao Wang, WitoldPedrycz, Patrick Chan and Qiang He [10] Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (JIFS):
Special Issue on Learning from Big Data with Uncertainty (LBDU); Guest Editor: Xi-Zhao Wang, 2014-2015 (in progress) [9] “Uncertainty in Learning from Big Data”, Special Issue in Int. Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier Inc., Edited by Xi-zhao Wang, et al, 2013-2014 (in progress) http://www.journals.elsevier.com/fuzzy-sets-and-systems/call-for-papers/call-for-papers-uncertainty-in-learning-from-big-data/. [8] “Uncertainty and Extreme Learning Machine”, Special Issue in International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, World Scientific Publishing Co., Edited by Xi-zhao Wang, et al, 2013 (in progress). [7] “Intelligent Web Information System and Learning in Uncertain Environments”, Special Issue in Int. Journal of World Wide Web, Springer-Verlag, Edited by Xi-zhao Wang, Hui Wang, 2013 (in progress). [6] “Extreme learning machine”, Special Issue of Soft computing, Springer-Verlag, Edited by Xi-zhao Wang, Dianhui Wang, Guangbin Huang, 2011. [5] “Soft Computing on Machine Learning and Cybernetics”, Special Issue of Soft computing, Springer-Verlag, Edited by Witold Pedrycz, Daniel Yeung, Xi-zhao Wang, 2009. [4] “Recent advance in granular computing”, Special Issue of Information sciences, Elsevier Inc., Edited by Daniel, Yeung, Xi-zhao Wang, De-Gang Chen, 2008. [3] “Learning with fuzzy representation and its application to pattern recognition”, Special Issue of the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific Publishing Co., Edited by Xi-zhao Wang, Y. Y. Tang, Daniel Yeung, 2008. [2] “Machine learning techniques: problems and applications”, Special Issue of Soft computing, Springer-Verlag, Edited by Zhi-Qiang Liu, Daniel So Yeung, Xi-zhao Wang, Eric Tsang, 2005. [1] “模糊集理论与应用”, 中国模糊数学与模糊系统委员会第九届年会论文选集,刘应明、吴从忻、王熙照,1998年


机器学习与模式识别 大数据分析 不确定性建模


Wang Xizhao, Ph.D., Professor, IEEE Fellow, Editor-in-Chief of Springer Journal Machine Learning and Cybernetics.

Prof. Wang received his PhD in computer science from Harbin Institute of Technology in September 1998. From October 1998 to September 2001 Prof. Wang worked at Department of Computing in Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a research fellow. From October 2000 to March 2014 Prof. Wang served in Hebei University as the Dean of school of Mathematics and Computer Sciences. From October 2007 to March 2014 Prof. Wang was the founding Director of Key Lab. on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence in Hebei Province, China. From September to November in 2013, Prof. Wang was a visiting professor of Canadian Simon Fraser University. From December 2013 to January 2014, Prof. Wang was a visiting professor of University of Alberta in Canada. From July to September in 2014, Prof. Wang was a visiting professor of Australia New South Wales University at Canberra. Since March 2014 to now Prof. Wang has moved to college of computer science and software engineering in Shenzhen University as a professor and the vice director of Big Data Institute.

Prof. Wang's main research interest is machine learning and uncertainty information processing, which include inductive learning with fuzzy representation, approximate reasoning and expert systems, neural networks and their sensitivity analysis, statistical learning theory, fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals, random weight network, and the recent topic: machine learning theories and methodologies in Big-Data environment. The main research feature is, through discovering and representing the uncertainty hidden in big data, to dig the distribution of big data and then use distributed parallel technology to design and implement classification and clustering algorithms which are suitable for different types of big data. It focuses on the corresponding key issues of theory and technology of big data.

Academic contributions: Prof. Wang put forward the concept of "fuzzy learning from examples" for the first time in 1996 during his PhD thesis, and extended machine learning approaches into the framework with uncertainty. His research in this aspect lasted almost 20 years and acquired a series of achievements with significant impact. For example, the project “Fuzzy-valued attribute feature subset selection” won the first prize of Hebei province natural science in 2007. The project “Weighted fuzzy rule and its generalization ability” was evaluated as excellent by NSFC in 2008. Based on the NSFC project "Uncertainty in inductive learning (#61170040)", Prof. Wang for the first time proposed the viewpoint that "uncertainty is one of the main factors influencing generalization ability of machine learning algorithms", which is highly recognized by the experts in related domains. As a guest editor, Prof. Wang edited two special issues in “Fuzzy Sets and Systems” and “Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems”, which systematically showed the international forefront of research on the role of uncertainty measurement and presentation in machine learning under big data environment.

Research achievements: Prof. Wang has edited 3 monographs and 2 textbooks. He has also published 150+ research papers in high impact journals and conferences in the field of machine learning and uncertainty, among which 100+ publications have been included in SCI or EI databases. The journals include IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1 paper), IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (5 papers), IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (5 papers), Machine Learning (1 paper), Information Sciences (5 papers) and Fuzzy Sets and Systems (9 papers). By the Google scholar, the total number of citations is over 2500 and the maximum number of citation for a single paper is over 200. The H-index is 25 up to December 2014. Prof. Wang has completed 30+ research projects including ones funded by National Natural Sciences Fund of China, Ministry of Education, National Development and Reform Commission, Hebei Province Natural Science Fund and RGC in Hong Kong.

Awards and honors: Prof. Wang has received the First-Class Award of Natural Science Advances of Hebei Province and the Second-Class Award of Natural Science of Education Ministry in 2007. He was selected as one member of the first hundred of excellent innovative talents of Hebei province in 2007. He gained the honor of Model Teacher of China in 2009. Prof. Wang was evaluated as an IEEE Fellow in 2012 due to his excellent contributions in investigating induction of decision trees in fuzzy environment and clustering. He was chosen as the local leading talent of Shenzhen in 2013 and one of the Chinese scholars whose academic papers have been highly cited based on Elsevier statistics in 2014.

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