梁忠伟 Zhongwei Liang


广州大学 机电学院\高性能智造研究中心

机械工程 , 智能制造 , 机器人 , 高端装备高性能制造 , 智能农机


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     梁忠伟,广州大学机电学院副院长、智能制造学科带头人、广东省强化研磨高性能微纳加工工程技术研究中心主任、广东省太阳能智能灌溉装备科技创新中心主任、广东省高校机电工程实验教学示范中心主任、广州市高端装备强化改性高性能制造重点实验室\广州市工业信息化委机器人智能装备研究平台主任、教授、博士生导师、博士后合作导师。入选广东省千百十工程、广州学者特聘教授、广东省高校科技创新团队带头人、广州市教育系统创新学术团队带头人、广州市高层次人才等。先后在华南理工大学,浙江大学,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales, Australia)和美国西北大学(Northwestern University, USA)任博士后,访问学者和客座教授。担任中国机械工程学会环境保护绿色制造\特种加工\表面工程\微纳制造分会常务委员、中国农业机械学会青委会\材料与制造技术分会副主任委员、广东省机械设计与生产工程学会\轨道交通学会副理事长、广东省农业机械学会副理事长、国家自然科学基金和科技部、教育部及多省市科技评审专家等。作为Leading Guest Editor和Associate Editor负责等10多个JCR Q1期刊专刊(Special Issue),并担任20多个SCI\EI源刊与30多个国际学术会议的General Chair、Invited Reviewer、Keynote Speaker及Editorial Board Member。
      Email: liangzhongwei@gzhu.edu.cn

[1] 全国智能制造产教融合共同体理事长单位
[2] 国家滚动轴承产业技术创新战略联盟常务理事单位(国家高端轴承制造业创新中心)
[3] 全国水肥一体化装备产业技术创新战略联盟副理事长单位
[4] 广东省高水平大学“高端装备智能制造”重点学科
[5] 广东省强化研磨高性能微纳加工工程技术研究中心
[6] 广东省水肥高效利用及太阳能智能灌溉工程技术研究中心
[7] 广东省太阳能智能灌溉装备科技创新中心
[8] 广东省高等学校高端装备高性能制造科技创新团队
[9] 教育部机器人装备高性能制造产学研协同创新基地
[10] 广东省高等学校机电工程实验教学示范中心
[11] 广东省高等学校智能机器人校企联合创新实验室
[12] 广东省高校科产教融合实践教学基地
[13] 广东省机器人智能制造联合培养研究生示范基地
[14] 广东省高等学校智能机器人示范产业学院
[15] 广东省农业机械学会副理事长单位
[16] 广东省机械设计与生产工程学会副理事长单位
[17] 广州市教育系统机器人装备形\性协同制造创新学术团队
[18] 广州市高端装备高性能强化改性制造重点实验室
[19] 广州市工业信息化委机器人智能装备研究平台

     Prof. Zhongwei Liang is Guangzhou scholar distinguished professor of Mechanical Engineering, Advisor for Ph.D and Postdoctoral fellow, Vice-dean of School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Guangzhou University, and Director of Guangdong Research Center for Strengthen Grinding and High Performance Micro\Nano Machining (GRC-SGM), Guangdong Research Center for High Efficient Utility of Water/fertilizers and Solar Intelligent Irrigation (GRC-UWSI), and Robot intelligent equipment Research institute of Guangzhou Industrial Information Commission (GZRIERI). He received his B.S. in 2000 and M.S. in 2005 for Mechatronic Engineering, and completed his Ph.D in 2008 and Postdoc. in 2012 from South China University of Technology (China) in Machinery Manufacturing and Automation. After that he served as post-doc researcher, academic research fellow and visiting research professor in South China University of Technology (China), Zhejiang University (China), University of New South Wales (Australia), and Northwestern University (USA), from 2014 to 2018.
     His research interests include key technical areas of major equipment such as high-end equipment manufacturing, intelligent robotic equipment, jet strengthen modification grinding, multi-energy field collaborative machining, and agricultural equipment. He has chaired more than 30 high-level research projects, including the National Science Foundation of China, China National Spark Program, and China National Key Technology R&D Program, etc. Meanwhile, he also participated in some key research projects such as NSF(USA), and ARC(Australia). He also leading the establishment of the China Ministry of Education's industry-university-research collaborative Practice and Innovation Base of "High-performance Manufacturing of Robot Equipment Core Parts". He authored 100 SCI\EI research papers and 3 ESI highly cited papers, meanwhile, more than 60 invention patents, 8 PCT patents, 4 academic monographs, 4 Guangdong provincial major scientific and technological achievements, and 5 standard specifications of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, were granted in the past several years also. He wrote the chapter of "Key Technologies for Jet Strengthen Modification Micro-Nano Manufacturing" in “Green Manufacturing Series” edited by Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and led the establishment of Industry-University-Research Collaborative Practice and Innovation Base of Ministry of Education for high-performance manufacturing of high-end robot equipment. As the Leading Guest Editor and Associate Editor, he was responsible for more than 10 JCR Q1 journals Special Issue. He also served as the consultant experts for National Natural Science Foundation, and the associate editor, co-chair and reviewer for more than 20 journals and 30 conferences international. and played the roles as Senior Member of CSME, CSTAM, ASME, IEEE, GAMS, TISARBI, and other academic societies. 
      He has been conferred in such academic titles as: The "Qian Bai Shi" Investigator Award of Guangdong, The Director of Innovative Research Group of Guangdong Provincial Universities, The High-level Talent of Guangzhou City, and The Guangzhou Scholar Distinguished Professor, etc. He has won 10 academic awards, for instance, the National Agricultural Science and Technology Award of China, the Golden Award of China National Invention Exhibition, the National First-Class Award of China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition, the Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, the Gold Medal of China International "Internet Plus" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the First-class Award for Agricultural Technology Promotion of Guangdong Province. And the research achievements have also been selected in the Chinese national directory of green technology, China advanced practical technology of water conservancy, Major achievements of national bearing industry, the breaking key technologies of Chinese Society of Micro and Nanotechnology, and the major equipment manufacturing technology of China Association for Science and Technology. Thus remarkable economic and social benefits have been achieved.
      Relying on high Performance intelligent Manufacturing Research Center of Guangzhou University (Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center\Guangdong Science and Technology Innovation Team), we are year-round recruiting scientific researchers, young teachers, postdoctoral and doctoral and master students, in (including but not limited to) high-end equipment manufacturing, micro-nano jet strengthen modification grinding, complex multiphase jet machining, material modification, surface engineering, friction and wear, ultrasonic machining, manufacturing process mechanics, etc. As well as key core components, high-performance micro and nano manufacturing, intelligent agricultural machinery, robot equipment and other research directions, welcome to contact and join my lab!
      Email: liangzhongwei@gzhu.edu.cn

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