陈以乐 Chen Yile


澳门科技大学 人文艺术学院

岭南广府建筑 , 澳门历史建筑 , 城市形态 , 水上社区(疍家)


Ph.D. in Architecture, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology: Taipa, Macau



2020-09 ~ 2024-08  PhD student in Architecture, Faculty of Humanities and Arts,Macau University of Science and Technology

2018-08 ~ 2020-07  Master of Urban Planning and Desing,Faculty of Innovation and Design,City University of Macau

2014-08 ~ 2018-06  Landscape Architecture,Zhujiang College of South China Agricultural University

Summer school workshop:

2021-07 ~ 2021-08  Amur State University——2021 lnternational Northern Aboriginal Cross-border Ethniccultural Comparative Study and Research Camp,Language: Russian-English-Ewenki,21 Ignatevskoye, Blagoveshchensk, Russia

2019-07 ~ 2019-08  Summer school workshop——Cubical City: Discover Prague through Czech Cubism,Architectural Institute in Prague,The Czech Republic


2020至今 学位论文《澳门氹仔城市形态演变研究

2018至2020年 GPA:GPA:3.89/4.0(年级专业第一)、学位论文《基于城市遗产视角下水上社区(疍家)在城市更新规划中的研究——以粤港澳大湾区为例

2014至2018年  GPA:3.75/5.0(年级专业第一)、毕业设计、论文《传承•更新——基于药洲遗址原场地的文化馆建筑景观规划设计


2024-07 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Elsevier出版《Urban Governance》(Online ISSN: 2667-3800)(Scopus收录)

2024-07 ~ 至今  Editorial Board Member——Public Library of Science (PLOS) 出版《PLOS ONE》(Online ISSN: 1932-6203)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2024-07 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Public Library of Science (PLOS) 出版《PLOS ONE》(Online ISSN: 1932-6203)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2024-07 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Elsevier出版《Journal of Building Engineering》(Online ISSN: 2352-7102)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2024-07 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Elsevier出版《Frontiers of Architectural Research》(Online ISSN: 2095-2643)(A&HCI、Scopus收录)

2024-03 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Nature Portfolio出版《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》(Online ISSN: 2662-9992)(SSCI、A&HCI、Scopus收录)

2024-03 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Nature Portfolio出版《Scientific Reports》(Online ISSN: 2045-2322)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2023-06 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Frontiers Media S.A.出版《Frontiers in Environmental Science》(Electronic ISSN 2296-665X)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2023-05 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Taylor & Francis Group出版《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》(Print ISSN: 1346-7581 Online ISSN: 1347-2852)(SCIE、A&HCI、Scopus收录)

2023-04 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Cell Press出版《Heliyon》(Online ISSN: 2405-8440)(SCIE、Scopus收录)

2023-01 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Taylor & Francis Group《Cogent Arts & Humanities》(ESCI、Scopus收录)(Online ISSN: 2331-1983)

2022-08 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Frontiers Media SA《Frontiers in Public Health》(SCIE、Scopus收录)(ISSN:2296-2565)

2022-06 ~ 至今  国际客家研究院(International Institute for Hakka Studies)个人会员

2022-04 ~ 2027-04  Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society) ——SYRFM (SAS Young Research Fellow Membership)

2022-01 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——《International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies》(ISSN: 2754-4311)(OUCI、ESJI收录)Published by Al-Kindi Centre for Research and Development, London, United Kingdom.

2021-09 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——SPSD Press出版《International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development》(《空间规划与可持续发展国际评论》简称IRSPSD)(Engineering Index、ESCI、Scopus收录)(Online ISSN : 2187-3666)

2021-05 ~ 2032-01  中国建筑学会学生分会会员

2021-05 ~ 至今  Peer Reviewer——Hipatia出版社的季刊《International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences》(ESCI、Scopus收录)(ISSN:2014-3680)

2020-11 ~ 至今 北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院:注册设计师、助理研究员

2020-10 ~ 2020-11 四川省高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地工业设计产业研究中心出版《工业设计研究》(第八辑)编委会委员

2020-10 ~ 2020-12 第十届艾景奖国际园林景观规划大赛校园大使

2020-08 ~ 至今  澳门科技大学科研助理

2020-05 ~ 2020-06 《2019 多校研究生联合设计课:场所记忆与多元发展》(澳门科技大学出版、澳门基金会赞助,ISBN:978-99937-53-68-1,2020年8月第1版第1次印刷)。英文校对工作。

2020-05 ~ 2020-06 《2018 多校研究生联合设计课:城市发展的空间战略——澳门“第四空间”概念性城市设计》(澳门科技大学出版、澳门基金会赞助,ISBN 978-99937-53-69-8,2020年8月第1版第1次印刷)。英文校对工作。

2020-03 ~ 2020-06 澳門城市大學研究生會出版《2020 城市建設與展望——第三屆粵港澳大灣區研究生論壇精選論文集》編輯委員會主席,ISBN:978-99981-944-1-0

2019-03 ~ 2019-05 澳門城市大學研究生會出版《濠鏡逐夢,灣區論衡——第二屆粵港澳大灣區研究生論壇論文集》編輯委員會主席,ISBN:978-99981-944-0-3

2018-07 ~ 2020-06 澳门城市大学研究生会学术部







Sketch up官方认证、光辉城市官方认证VR三级设计师


Microsoft Office Specialist国际认证




2023-07 ~ 至今   (中国艺术设计年鉴编委会、成都众人美术馆)第十届2022-2023《中国艺术设计年鉴》艺术文献奖-一等奖(获奖论文《城市遗产的语境研究——以澳门葡京酒店为例》)

2023-05 ~ 至今   澳門科技大學人文藝術學院2022-2023年度畢業創作展優秀作品獎,獲獎作品《澳門氹仔紗廠廠房及周邊地段更新設計》

2023-01 ~ 至今   《澳门郑家大屋建筑空间与构件之等级关系研究》获《中国视觉艺术年鉴2022-2023》金奖论文,《澳门郑家大屋应对湿热气候的建筑设计技术研究》获《中国视觉艺术年鉴2022-2023》银奖论文,(北京中外视觉艺术院、中外美术网、中外设计网)

2022-07 ~ 至今   《基于Depthmap的历史街区保护与有机更新研究——以珠海市翠微村为例》、《传统村落改造与更新方式探究——以翠微历史街区为例》、《基于GIS的城市内部人口空间分布变动研究——以中山市为例》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021(论文集)》二等奖,(北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院、中国创意同盟网联合出品)

2022-07 ~ 至今   《广府传统村落37个历史建筑保护与分析探究——以珠海翠微村为例》、《基于空间句法的城市商业空间的分析研究——以澳门中银大厦、时代商业中心为例》、《基于空间句法理论的公屋平面空间形态研究——以澳门永宁广场大厦为例》、《空间句法在商住楼宇中的应用研究——以澳门20世纪80年代末期华榕大厦为例》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021(论文集)》三等奖,(北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院、中国创意同盟网联合出品)

2022-06 ~ 2022-07 (澳門廣告學會、澳門特別行政區政府文化發展基金)“尋找巷里圍的故事”第二季——澳門多元旅遊文化推廣短視頻/旅遊文創紀念品設計徵集比賽獲得旅遊文創紀念品設計(高校組)優異獎

2022-01~2022-02 「澳门科技大学郑观应研究中心成立仪式暨2022濠江新语博士论坛」《澳门围里研究述评》获优秀论文三等奖

2021-12~2022-06 (北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院、中国创意同盟网联合出品)《更智能更环保——基于澳门传统摊贩小车的可持续优化设计》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021》银奖;《碳中和背景下的绿色校园新路径——大学校园医院与教学楼间生态绿地规划》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021》环艺设计类别作品银奖;《智能安检消毒机》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021》工业设计类别作品铜奖

2021-12~2022-06 (北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院、中国创意同盟网联合出品)《传统村落历史文化遗产的保护与更新探究——以珠海市翠微村为例》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021(论文集)》一等奖;《城市“公交优先”政策实践及优化研究——以澳门为例》获《中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021(论文集)》二等奖

2021-12~2022-01 《参数化景观视线分析方法及应用研究——以澳门为例》获《风景园林》杂志社2021年第二届LA青年学者论文奖竞赛一等奖

2021-10~2022-01 澳门科技大学2020~2021学年文化学术杰出三等奖

2021-03~2021-04 (国际建筑学会、亚洲太平洋地区人居环境学会)2020发展中国家建筑设计大展&2020国际学生设计竞赛-银奖(获奖作品:《激活城市记忆——澳门工业遗产场馆更新设计》)

2020-10~2020-11 中国邮政集团第四届中国明信片文化创意设计大赛高级设计师

2020-10~2020-11 中国邮政集团第四届中国明信片文化创意设计大赛大众组铜奖

2020-09~2020-10 澳门市政署、澳门建筑师协会《望厦山市政公园无障碍步行系统建筑概念设计比赛》一等奖

2020-09~2020-10 (北京中外视觉艺术院、中国创意同盟、创意中国设计大奖组委会)2020第十四届“创意中国”设计大奖 工业设计类优秀奖(获奖作品:《更智能,更环保——基于澳门传统摊贩小车的可持续优化设计》Smarter and more environmentally friendly: Sustainable optimization design based on Macau traditional street vendor cart)

2020-06~2020-07 (北京中外视觉艺术院、中外设计研究院、中国创意同盟网联合出品)《中国创意设计年鉴·2018-2019》(论文集)二等奖论文(获奖论文:《岭南宅园风格特色在澳门的发展——以郑家大屋为例》);三等奖论文(获奖论文:《澳门岭南宅园装饰艺术的发展——以蚝壳窗、满洲窗为例》)

2019-12~2020-01 “共建共治共享中的城市治理”学术研讨会论文三等奖

2019-12~2020-01 第三届广东省“学院奖”青年师生设计艺术大赛高校组建筑设计(获奖方案:《共享·参与——北京B高校教学4号楼及周边绿地更新设计》

2019-10~2019-11 澳门城市大学2018-2019学年“霍英东基金会”奖学金

2018-12~2019-01 2018年度“广东省名人榜·青年学生精英设计人物”

2018-12~2019-01 2018第二届广东省“学院奖”青年师生设计艺术大赛高校组景观设计一等奖

2017-11~2017-12 ILIA2017第七届艾景奖国际园林景观规划设计大赛本科组旅游度假区规划优秀奖(获奖方案:《传承与更新——广州从化木棉古村更新改造设计》)

其他设计类比赛获奖:2023第二届FA国际前沿创新艺术设计大赛(中国赛区)银奖、2023SDC - 第二届大学生可持续设计大赛三等奖、2023 Britain International Creative Competition - Bronze Award(1项)、2023 PREMIO ROCA - Premio de Plata、Premio Bronce - Oro、Premio Bronce - Plata、Mención de honor(5项)、第5回 2023日本コンセプトアートデザイン賞 - 銅賞(5项)、HONG KONG UNIVERSITY STUDENT CONTEMPORARYDESIGN AWARD 2023 - Silver Award、Bronze Award、G CROSS AWARD 2023 - Silver、Bronze、2022 NORTH AMERICAN APPLIED ARTS DESIGN COMPETITION - Bronze Winner、2022HKAD - HONG KONG CONTEMPORARYDESIGN AWARDS - Silver Award、Bronze Award、2022CAE - London Chinese Art Exchange Exhibition - Third prize、Excellence prize、2022第二届香港青年设计奖(YDA)暨香港青年美术设计大赛三等奖、优秀奖、入围奖、2022 HKDADC香港数字艺术设计大赛(秋季赛)一等奖、三等奖、优秀奖、2022 ITCD国际潮流文化设计大赛银奖、铜奖、优秀奖、2022 SGADC -SINGAPORE ART DESIGN COMPETITION - Bronze Award、Excellence Award、2022 FA International Frontier Innovation Design Competition - Silver Award、Bronze Award、Selected Award、2022 Britain International Creative Competition - Bronze Award


2021-02~2021-04 联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(上海)、同济大学美丽乡愁公益团队共同发起的2021年2月涟漪行动第四季“街道万象”活动,撰写街道一方志《澳门街道之围里建筑风格传承与生活演变:以风顺堂区六屋围为例》,撰写推文《一探闹市之中的岭南传统民居:澳门半岛六屋围》、《曾居住在澳门半岛六屋围的俄罗斯建筑师、画家——乔治·史密罗夫(George Vitalievich Smirnoff)》等,在2021年4月获创意传播奖。

2020-09~2020-10 中华青年精英项目、「青年中国行」第八届大学生暑期社会调研实践活动-优秀个人奖(指导课题:澳门海洋环境治理的可持续发展研究)

2020-04~2020-05 澳门城市大学图书馆2019年校园阅读之星

2020-01~2020-02 联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(上海)、同济大学美丽乡愁公益团队-涟漪行动第二期:百名青年共创家园一方志行动,优秀呈现奖、社群活跃奖

2019年10月获澳门城市大学创绿色澳门行动“ Idea challenge"项目策划赛决赛第三名




2019-05~2019-12 中华青年精英项目、「青年中国行」第七届大学生暑期社会调研实践活动-全国30强团队、全国十佳调研报告(课题《澳门城市垃圾回收再利用的可持续发展研究》)





2016-07~2016-10 三下乡破晓队获广东省团委“2016年广东省高校'活力在基层'主题团日竞赛活动(第一赛季)的省级竞赛重点支持项目”



2023-12 ~ 2025-11   2023年度中国-葡萄牙文化遗产保护科学“一带一路”联合实验室开放课题《基于计算机视觉的岭南骑楼建筑遗产立面创新设计方法研究》

2023-12 ~ 至今   浙大城市学院数字乡村研究中心2023-2024年度课题《生成式AI提升乡村农业遗产保护方法及理论研究》

2023-09~至今  广东省教育厅2023年度普通高校重点科研平台和项目,粤港澳文化遗产保护与创新设计团队(项目编号:2023WCXTD042,校内编号:2023-KJZX047)

2023-09 ~ 至今   浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题《城市历史景观视角下浙江诗路文化带诗-景互动创新应用研究》(Zhejiang Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project, Funding Project Number: 24NDQN150YBM)

2023-07 ~ 至今   福建省社会科学基金项目《明清妈祖建筑图像史料整理与研究》(批准号:FJ2023C053) Fujian Social Science Foundation Project: Arrangement and Research on Historical Materials of A-Mazu Architectural Images in Ming and Qing Dynasties (Funding Project Number: FJ2023C053)

2022-10 ~ 2024-09   教育部产学合作协同育人项目(武夷学院、2022年航天宏图信息技术股份有限公司)《基于PIE软件支持的建筑遗产信息化测绘一流课程建设与实践》

2022-04~2022-10 《為文化局提供大三巴舊城牆及牌坊後夯土牆的修復顧問服務》

2021-11~至今  2021年广府文化遗产保护设计技能大师工作室

2021-11~2022-04 澳門特別行政區政府文化局,《為文化局提供內港8號及11號碼頭的研究工作》

2021-07~2021-08 澳門特別行政區政府文化局,《為三門“銀河出土古炮”提供展示方案服務》

2021-05~2021-11 澳門特別行政區政府文化局,《為文化局提供位於澳門爹美刁施拿地大馬路的碼頭及相關建築物之研究工作》

2021-01~2021-02 澳門特別行政區政府市政署詢價工程,《祐漢和台山社區公共空間整體規劃及設計導則》,工程計劃編號165/2020/DVPS,投標標書編制參與學生

2020-05~2021-12 澳門特別行政區政府高等教育基金,預防及應對重大傳染病研究專項, HSS-MUST-2020-9《基于珠澳通勤者日常生活圈的澳門外溢防疫緩衝空間研究》

2020-01~2020-12 澳門特別行政區政府文化局,《澳門圍里現狀調查及保護與發展策略研究》

2020-01~2020-12 2020年广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(编号2020WTSCX286)

2019-05~2019-12 中华青年精英项目(基金会)-2019年青年中国行粤港澳大湾区SDGs课题《澳门城市垃圾回收再利用的可持续发展研究》

2019-01~2019-12 2019年广东省普通高校哲学社会科学项目(编号2019GXJK131)

2018-07~2018-08 山东管理学院、山东新型城镇化研究所发起的课题活动《乡村观察·大学生暑期返乡调研》。项目地点:肇庆市封开县杏花镇十二座古村

2018-07~2018-08 中山大学社会调查中心发起的国家项目中国社会劳动力动态调查(CLDS)。调查地点:肇庆市封开县长安镇今宝村

2018-01 ~ 2022-05   2018年度广东省哲学社会科学规划学科共建项目(编号GD18XYS40),项目名称《广府饮食文化符号的衍生与传播研究》,主要参加人排名第二,结项等级良好

2017-07~2017-08 广东省旅游局、华南理工大学团委、华南理工大学经济与贸易学院(旅游与酒店管理学院)团委、广东旅游出版社、广东乡村旅游发展升级行动课题组举办的《大学生暑期走进广东乡村调研活动》。调研地点:肇庆市封开县东畔村、西村和德庆县罗洪村

2016-07~2016-08 广东省民间文艺家协会、华南理工大学工管学院、华南理工大学出版社三方牵头的省级项目《基于网络众包的古村落文化大数据采集项目》。项目地点:肇庆市四会市铁坑村

2016-06~2016-07 中山大学社会调查中心发起的国家项目中国社会劳动力动态调查(CLDS)。调查地点:肇庆市封开县南丰镇南丰街道

2016-05~2017-12 2016-2017年广东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目《基于新时期下古典园林发展现状对比与旅游开发保护的调研——以广州市药洲遗址、余荫山房为例》(项目编号:201612623027)

2016-01~2016-02 广东省民间文艺家协会、华南理工大学工管学院、华南理工大学出版社三方牵头的省级项目《基于网络众包的古村落文化大数据采集项目》。项目地点:肇庆市封开县汶塘村、德庆县金林村、罗洪村和怀集县何屋村



广州志广信息科技有限公司(发明人:严丽娜;郑亮;陈以乐;张毅;梁潇;朱淳)一种园林道路智能化布局方法及系统[P]. 广东省:CN116776428A,2023-09-19.

郑亮,陈以乐. 一种景观可视域分析方法及系统[P]. 广东省:CN112435337A,2021-03-02.


陈以乐,郑亮. 一种智能摊车[P]. 广东省:CN214072347U,2021-08-31.

郑亮,陈以乐. 一种集装箱式数据中心[P]. 广东省:CN213818605U,2021-07-27.


章磊、郑亮、陈以乐、王源、黄蕾. 向阳而生: 武夷山市场头村生态科普观测点建筑概念设计[J].包装工程,2024,(S2)(录用待刊)

牛丽彦、章磊、黄蕾、陈以乐、郑亮. 建瓯市临江门威武门棚户区改造设计[J].包装工程,2024,(S2)(录用待刊)








《望厦莲径:乡土与当代的时空步道——澳门望厦山市政公园无障碍步行系统建筑概念设计》作品收录于澳门市政署2020年11月出版之《2020 澳门建筑设计比赛作品集——望厦山市政公园无障碍步行系统Catálogo das Obras da Competicaode Arquitectura para Projecto do Circuito Pedonal Sem Barreiras do Parque Municipal da Colina de Mong-Há de 2020 Collection of Entries from Macao Architectural Concept Design Competition 2020 - Barrier-free Walking System forMong Há Hill Municipal Park》,ISBN 978-99965-0-317-7,pp.22-25


2019/10  澳门城市垃圾回收再利用的可持续发展研究——青年中国行2019大学生暑期社会调研实践活动成果主题展览,澳门:澳门城市大学氹仔校区W座王宽诚楼G层大堂

2019/07 未来·展(Future Exhibition 2019-The 4th)——第4届广东省高校建筑与环境艺术设计专业毕业设计联展暨亚洲学院毕业设计交流展(参展方案:《绿·城——澳门氹仔机场口岸的更新设计》),广州:B.I.G海珠湾艺术园区3号楼4层世联空间

2019/06 2019届三地九校联合毕业设计暨粤港澳大湾区高校设计联展“Between&In Urban Space:珠澳边界地方再造”(参展方案:《绿·城——澳门氹仔机场口岸的更新设计》),广州:华南理工大学建筑学院东厅 

2019/04 第二届中国滨海城市规划与设计论坛(参展论文:《岭南宅园风格特色在澳门的发展——以郑家大屋为例》),澳门:澳门城市大学氹仔校区何贤会议中心大堂 

2017/11 ILIA2017第七届艾景奖国际园林景观规划设计大会作品展览(参展方案:《传承与更新——广州从化木棉古村更新改造设计》),重庆:悦来国际会议中心


2022-05 ~ 2022-08 《葡式鋪裝:起源、發展、異變》(Calcada Portuguesa: Origin, Development, Variation)ISBN:979-8-218-01344-8(合著者:范嘉越),出版:R.R. Bowker LLC。

2019-05~2019-10 《澳门城市垃圾回收再利用的可持续发展研究——青年中国行2019大学生暑期社会调研实践活动成果集》。中国香港:国际学术出版社。(ISBN:978-988-79411-6-3,港府书刊注册组备案号:1911849)


Jia, M.; Feng, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, C. Visual Analysis of Social Media Data on Experiences at a World Heritage Tourist Destination: Historic Centre of Macau. Buildings 2024, 14, 2188. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14072188(SCIE收录,JCR - Q2 (Construction & Building Technology) ,IF=3.1)

Fan, J.; Chen, Y.*; Zheng, L.* Artificial Intelligence for Routine Heritage Monitoring and Sustainable Planning of the Conservation of Historic Districts: A Case Study on Fujian Earthen Houses (Tulou). Buildings 2024, 14, 1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14071915(SCIE收录,JCR - Q2 (Construction & Building Technology) ,IF=3.1)

Chen, Y., Zheng, L., & Zheng, J. (2024). The Correlation Between Asian Port Cities and Traditional Portuguese Urban Forms Based on Map and Machine Learning Analyses. Island Studies Journal, Early access. https://doi.org/10.24043/001c.118786(SSCI收录,中科院二区,JCR-Q2 GEOGRAPHY、SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY,IF=1.7)

Yan, L., Zheng, L., & Chen, Y.* (2024). Landscape sightline analysis on height control of land around architectural heritage sites: Nanshan Temple and Nanping Academy in Zhangzhou, China. Geocarto International, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2024.2350172(SCIE收录,JCR-Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES、GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY、IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY,IF=3.3)

Li, Y., Chen, H., Mao, J., Chen, Y.*, Zheng, L.*, Yu, J., … He, L. (2024). Artificial Intelligence to Facilitate the Conceptual Stage of Interior Space Design: Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Supported Long-Term Care Space Floor Plan Design of Retirement Home Buildings. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 38(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/08839514.2024.2354090(SCIE收录,JCR-Q2 COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,IF=2.9)

Song, J., Chen, Y., Zheng, L., & Tang, Q.* (2024). The evolution of traditional ancient towns in South China: Tangjiawan Ancient Town in Zhuhai city. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/13467581.2024.2349754(SCIE、A&HCI收录,JCR-Q3 CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY,IF=1.5)

Yanyu Li, Mingyi Zhao, Jingyi Mao, Yile Chen*, Liang Zheng* & Lina Yan . Detection and recognition of Chinese porcelain inlay images of traditional Lingnan architectural decoration based on YOLOv4 technology. Heritage Science 12, 137 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-024-01227-z(SCIE、A&HCI收录,中科院一区,JCR-Q2,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL,IF=2.6)

Yan, L., Chen, Y., Zheng, L.* et al. Application of computer vision technology in surface damage detection and analysis of shedthin tiles in China: a case study of the classical gardens of Suzhou. Heritage Science 12, 72 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-024-01185-6(SCIE、A&HCI收录,中科院一区,JCR-Q2,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL,IF=2.6)

Yile Chen, Lina Yan & Liang Zheng (2023) Intelligent approach to Mining cultural tourism potential areas Based on YOLOv4: insights from Macau, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2023.2287211(SCIE、A&HCI收录,JCR-Q4(CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY),IF=1.3)

Jingzhao Feng, Yile Chen, Senyu Lou & Jianqiang Yin (2023) Research on Land Use Pattern Change and Its Influencing Factors based on the Coupling Model: Evidence from Zhongshan, China, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2023.2280559(SCIE收录,JCR-Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES、GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY、IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY,IF=3.8)

Yile Chen, Liang Zheng & Lina Yan* (2023) Research on the intelligent generation of the spatial form of the Island city historic district based on parameterization: taking Macau Taipa Village as an example, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2023.2257274(SCIE、A&HCI收录,JCR-Q4(CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY),IF=1.3)

Li Q, Zheng L, Chen Y*, Yan L, Li Y and Zhao J (2023) Non-destructive testing research on the surface damage faced by the Shanhaiguan Great Wall based on machine learning. Frontiers in Earth Science. 11:1225585. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1225585(SCIE收录,JCR-Q2(GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY),IF=2.9)

Liang Zheng, Yile Chen, Lina Yan & Yi Zhang (2023) Automatic Detection and Recognition Method of Chinese Clay Tiles Based on YOLOv4: A Case Study in Macau, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2023.2246029(SCIE、A&HCI收录,JCR-Q3(CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY、ENGINEERING, CIVIL),IF=2.4)

Zheng, Liang, Yile Chen, Lina Yan, and Jianyi Zheng. 2023. "The Impact of High-Density Urban Wind Environments on the Distribution of COVID-19 Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study of Macau" Buildings 13, no. 7: 1711. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13071711(SCIE收录,JCR - Q2 (Construction & Building Technology) ,IF=3.8)

Lin, Hongpan, Linsheng Huang, Yile Chen*, Liang Zheng*, Minling Huang, and Yashan Chen. 2023. "Research on the Application of CGAN in the Design of Historic Building Facades in Urban Renewal—Taking Fujian Putian Historic Districts as an Example" Buildings 13, no. 6: 1478. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13061478(SCIE收录,JCR - Q2 (Construction & Building Technology) ,IF=3.8)

Huang, L., Chen, Y. and Chen, Y. *(2023), Origin, development and evolution: the space construction and cultural motivations of Shi Gandang temple in Macau, Open House International. https://doi.org/10.1108/OHI-09-2022-0234(A&HCI、SSCI收录)

Min, Xiao, Liang Zheng, and Yile Chen*. 2023. The Floor Plan Design Method of Exhibition Halls in CGAN-Assisted Museum Architecture. Buildings 13, no. 3: 756. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13030756(SCIE收录,JCR - Q2 (Construction & Building Technology) ,IF=3.8)

He, Jialun, Yile Chen, Liang Zheng, and Jianyi Zheng. 2023. Research on Wind Environment and Morphological Effects of High-Rise Buildings in Macau: An Example from the New Reclamation Area around Areia Preta.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 5: 4143. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20054143(SCIE、SSCI收录,JCR - Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health),IF=4.614)

Yan, Lina, Yile Chen, Liang Zheng, Yi Zhang, Xiao Liang, and Chun Zhu. 2023. Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application of Road Systems in Urban Green Spaces: Taking Jiangnan Gardens as an Example.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 4: 3158. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043158(SCIE、SSCI收录,JCR - Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health),IF=4.614)

Yang, Xiaohong, Liang Zheng, Yile Chen, Jingzhao Feng, and Jianyi Zheng. 2023. "Recognition of Damage Types of Chinese Gray-Brick Ancient Buildings Based on Machine Learning—Taking the Macau World Heritage Buffer Zone as an Example" Atmosphere 14, no. 2: 346. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020346(SCIE、EI收录,JCR - Q2 (Environmental Science (miscellaneous),IF=3.11)

陈以乐,郑亮,郑剑艺.参数化景观视线分析方法及应用研究——以澳门为例 [J].南方建筑,2023(1):97-106.(北大核心收录,IF=1.63)

Zheng L, Chen Y, Jiang S, Song J and Zheng J (2023). Predicting the distribution of COVID-19 through CGAN—Taking Macau as an example. Frontiers in Big Data 6:1008292. doi: 10.3389/fdata.2023.1008292(ESCI收录,JCR-Q2(MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES),IF=0.51)

Zhang, Lei, Liang Zheng, Yile Chen, Lei Huang, and Shihui Zhou. 2022. "CGAN-Assisted Renovation of the Styles and Features of Street Facades—A Case Study of the Wuyi Area in Fujian, China" Sustainability 14, no. 24: 16575. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142416575(SCIE、SSCI收录,JCR - Q2 (Environmental Sciences) ,IF=3.889)


Chen, Yile, Liang Zheng, Junxin Song, Linsheng Huang, and Jianyi Zheng. 2022. "Revealing the Impact of Urban Form on COVID-19 Based on Machine Learning: Taking Macau as an Example" Sustainability 14, no. 21: 14341. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114341 (SCIE、SSCI收录,JCR - Q2 (Environmental Sciences) ,IF=3.889)



Hoi Ian Tam, Yile Chen∗, Liang Zheng and Linsheng Huang. 2024. Research on Machine Learning-assisted Floor Plan Generation in Old-style Residential Buildings: Taking Tong Lau in Macau as an Example. In The 3rd International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence and Control Engineering CAICE 2024), January 26-28, 2024, Xi' an, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, https://doi.org/10.1145/3672758.3672835

Junrui Cao, Yile Chen, and Yichenfei Guo "Smart urban renewal management of heritage buildings based on POI and GIS: Macau’s largo boundary space", Proc. SPIE 13160, Fourth International Conference on Smart City Engineering and Public Transportation (SCEPT 2024), 131600D (16 May 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3030418

Tam, H.I., Zheng, L., Chen, Y., Wang, X. (2024). Analysis of the Plan Form of Prefabricated Buildings Based on the Space Syntax—A Case Study of the Son Lei House in Macau. In: Kang, T. (eds) Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture. ICCEA 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 369. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4049-3_33

Zheng, L., Chen, Y. (2022). Research on the Spatial Characteristics of High-Density Urban Road Network and Functional Agglomeration Taking the Northern Part of Macau as an Example. In: , et al. Spatial Data and Intelligence. SpatialDI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13614. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24521-3_14(Engineering Index-CA、Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S)收录)

Tang, Q., Chen, Y., Zheng, L., Chen, J. (2023). Research on the Innovative Design Mode of Guangzhou Vernacular Architecture Under the Background of Carbon Neutrality. In: Guo, W., Qian, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City. GBCESC 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 211. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5217-3_123

Tang, Q., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, L. (2023). Research on the Development of Modern Mosaic Wall Decoration Materials Based on Nostalgic Memory—Taking Wumi Congee (Congee Shop) in Cantonese Area of China as an Example. In: Guo, W., Qian, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City. GBCESC 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 211. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5217-3_31

Yan L, Chen Y, Zheng L, et al. Research on the quantification of historical street space based on image semantic segmentation[C]//International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021). SPIE, 2022, 12168: 249-253.

Chen, Y. (2022). Research on the Protection of Macau Water-Faring Community (Dan Jia) from the Perspective of Urban Heritage. In: Mendonça, P., Cortiços, N.D. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction. ICAMC 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 226. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94514-5_49

Yile Chen,Liang Zheng. Sustainable Optimal Design Based on the Upgrade Demand of Macau's Traditional Stalls[J]. E3S Web of Conferences,2021,236.

Chen Y, Yan L. Analysis on the Restoration Project and Revitalization Design of Macau Varanda Building:——Take the Patane Library as an example[C]//2021 International Conference on Computer Technology and Media Convergence Design (CTMCD). IEEE, 2021: 204-208.

Yan L, Chen Y. Stained Glass in Lingnan Historic Buildings and Its Application in Manchuria Windows[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2021, 1885(3): 032052.

Zeyu ZHANG,Jun ZHANG,Yile CHEN,Yongqing MIAO,Hui DING, YUAN Xiang(2018).Experimental Research on Gear Flowmeter Based on LABVIEW.2018 International Conference on Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering(CCME 2018).DEStech Publication: Computer Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2475-8841),pp372-377.中国上海:计算机科学年会CCME2018。





陈以乐, 方嘉莹. 中葡合作平台视野下的东帝汶帝力城市规划发展与思考[J]. 城镇化与集约用地, 2023, 11(4): 186-197. 




郑亮,陈以乐,谭凯欣.基于Space Syntax的预制件装嵌式建筑平面形态研究——以澳门旧区顺利楼为例[J].顺德职业技术学院学报,2023,21(02):27-34.






陈以乐,汤强,陈俊璋,郑亮.广府疍民人文性格的空间转译研究 以广州紫泥堂艺术小镇民宿“疍居”为例[J].室内设计与装修,2023(02):124-126.








陈俊璋, 陈以乐, 郑亮.现代风景园林规划现状及建设问题分析探究——以珠海圆明新园为例[J].工程与管理科学,2022,4(3):107-111.

陈俊璋, 陈以乐, 郑亮.粤港澳大湾区韧性城市发展经验之探究——以珠海市为例[J].建筑技术研究,2022,5(4):47-49.

陈以乐, 范嘉越. 澳门高等教育校园建筑规划发展研究[J]. 建筑工程进展, 2022; 2: (2) : 1-9.

陈以乐, 葡语系国家城市形态研究的演进和前沿探析[J]. 资源与环境科学进展, 2022; 1: (1) : 53-66.





陈以乐,郑亮.澳门历史建筑修复措施及防范策略研究[J].城市住宅. 2021(09)



















陈以乐. 澳门传统居住建筑保护初探——以围、里为例[A]. 中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集(09城市文化遗产保护)[C].中国城市规划学会:中国城市规划学会,2023:12.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.046658.

陈以乐,谭凯欣,郑亮. 基于口袋公园设计的超高密度城区更新策略研究——以澳门半岛黑沙环第一街至第七街区域为例[A]. 中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集(02城市更新)[C].中国城市规划学会:中国城市规划学会,2023:16.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.052181.

曹君瑞,陈以乐,郑亮. 澳门前地边界空间特性与更新优化研究[A]. 中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集(02城市更新)[C].中国城市规划学会:中国城市规划学会,2023:11.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.052066.

郑亮,陈以乐,陈俊璋. 文化遗产保护中的数字化技术应用研究——以澳门茨林围为例[A]. 中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集(09城市文化遗产保护)[C].中国城市规划学会:中国城市规划学会,2023:11.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.046786.

郑亮,陈以乐,陈俊璋. 高密度城市道路网络与功能集聚空间特征研究——以澳门北区为例[A]. 中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集(05城市规划新技术应用)[C].中国城市规划学会:中国城市规划学会,2023:12.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.047548.

陈俊璋, 陈以乐. 珠海、澳门两地传统夯土建筑保护与发展路径研究[A]. 中国建筑学会建筑史学分会、华侨大学建筑学院.中国建筑学会建筑史学分会年会暨学术研讨会2022论文集:发展中的建筑史研究与遗产保护[C].中国建筑学会建筑史学分会、华侨大学建筑学院:中国建筑学会建筑史学分会,2022:5.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.080022.

Jiang Shan, Zheng Liang, Chen Yile, Zheng Jianyi., Comparison analysis on typical historic cultural districts with AI machine learning technology – Taking Portuguese and Macao districts as examples. W: XXIX International Seminar on Urban Form. ISUF 2022 Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective. 6th June – 11th September 2022, Łódź–Kraków, Kantarek A.A. (Ed.), Hanzl M. (Ed.), Figlus T. (Ed.), Musiaka Ł. (Ed.)., Lodz University of Technology Conference Proceedings No. 2554, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2023, p. 576-587, ISBN 978-83-67934-03-9, DOI: 10.34658/9788367934039.46.

Chen, Yile*, Junzhang Chen, Liang Zheng, and Qiang Tang. Experience space practice based on ecological building materials: paper bamboo house architectural design in Panyu, China. In E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 371, p. 02051. EDP Sciences.

HoiIan Tam, Ionkei Chan, Yile Chen*, Liang Zheng. Construction demonstration of Guangdong-Macau in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin extemdashresearch on the application of pre-fabrication technology in the Macau new neighborhood.  Frontiers in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Volume 1 , CRC Press, 2023: 646-652

Yile Chen, Junxin Song.Urban Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention and Public Space Planning in Macau.Proceedings of DARCH 2022 November- 3rd International Conference on Architecture and Design (Online Conference, 7-8 November 2022),ISBN: 978-605-06286-9-2,DOI: https://doi.org/10.46529/darch.202243

Junxin Song, Yile Chen.Space Reconstruction and Function Replacement of Old Industrial Plants - Take the No. 12 Plant of Yangming Lake As an Example.Proceedings of DARCH 2022 November- 3rd International Conference on Architecture and Design (Online Conference, 7-8 November 2022),ISBN: 978-605-06286-9-2,DOI: https://doi.org/10.46529/darch.202244

陈俊璋、陈以乐、郑亮、汤强,基于Depthmap的村落历史空间分析研究——以珠海市翠微村为例,2022 年中国城市规划学会小城镇规划学术委员会年会,2022年。

Yile Chen,Liang Zheng,Qiang Tang,Junzhang Chen. Experience Space Practice Based on Ecological Materials: Guangzhou Paper Bamboo House Architectural Design[C]. Proceedings of The 3nd International Conference on Artistic Design, Communication and Engineering Science in 2022.(ISBN: 978-1-952728-16-7).pp.1-12.https://doi.org/10.37420/icaces.2021.001

陈以乐(2022年4月)。基于城市遗产视角下澳门水上社区(疍家)的保护研究。澳门城市大学2021文化遗产保护国际学术研讨会论文集(Proceedings of City University of MacauInternational Symposium on Cultural HeritageConservation) 2021,ISBN:978-99981-65-00-7,pp.66-73

陈以乐,陈俊璋. 传统岭南村落历史文化遗产的保护与更新探究——以珠海市翠微村为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018367.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 基于空间句法理论的公屋平面空间形态研究——以澳门永宁广场大厦为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:6.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018371.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 基于空间句法的城市商业空间的分析研究——以澳门中银大厦、时代商业中心为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:6.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018373.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 空间句法在商住楼宇中的应用研究——以澳门20世纪80年代末期华榕大厦为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018377.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 基于Depthmap的历史街区保护与有机更新研究——以珠海市翠微村为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018387.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 传统村落改造与更新方式探究——以翠微历史街区为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018394.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 广府传统村落37个历史建筑保护与分析探究——以珠海翠微村为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018400.

陈俊璋,陈以乐,郑亮. 基于GIS的城市内部人口空间分布变动研究——以中山市为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018411.

陈俊璋,陈以乐. 城市“公交优先”政策实践及优化研究——以澳门为例[A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网.中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021论文集[C].:成都蓉城美术馆,2022:7.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018453.

Zheng Liang, Chen Yile. Green Upgrade: Research on the Renovation and Reconstruction Engineering of Traditional Data Centers[C]//2022 International Conference on Engineering Management and Information Science (EMIS). IEEE, 2022: 131-134.

Zheng Liang, Chen Yile,Yan Lina,Chen Junzhang. Research on the Optimization of Spatial Pattern of Traditional Residential Buildings in Lingnan Based on Spatial Syntax Calculation Analysis[C]//2022 International Conference on Engineering Management and Information Science (EMIS). IEEE, 2022: 135-140.

Yile Chen,Liang Zheng,Junzhang Chen. A New Approach to Green Campus Design Under the Background of Carbon Neutrality: Research on the Design of Ecological Convalescent Green Space Between University Campus Hospitals and Teaching Buildings [C]. Proceedings of DARCH 2022 - 2nd International Conference On Architecture & Design, 2022(2nd).

Yile Chen,Qiang Tang,Liang Zheng,Junzhang Chen. Research on the Design of Lakeside Homestays Under the Influence of the Humanistic Characteristics of Water-faring Community (tanka)'s in Cantonese Area[C]. Proceedings of DARCH 2022 - 2nd International Conference On Architecture & Design, 2022(2nd).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Research on the vitality, problems and Strategies of living streets based on POI data——Taking Qianshan District of Zhuhai City as an Example .[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Research on the Spatial Features of Cuiwei Historic District Based on Space Syntax.[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Research on the Protection and Renewal of Urban Historic District——Taking Cuiwei Village in Zhuhai City as an Example.[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Analysis on the status quo and construction problems of domestic urban civil air defense engineering system.[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Analysis and Research on the Process of Industrial Development and Transformation of Historical Villages.[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen. Analysis and Research on the Node Space of Ancient Villages.[C]International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development(SPSD2021).

Zheng L, Chen Y. The protection process and measures of Macau’s heritage buildings[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 783(1): 012120.

Zheng L, Chen Y. Research on the Restoration Techniques and Prevention Strategies of Historic Buildings in Macao[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 783(1): 012111.

Yan L, Chen Y. Study of Roof Tiles in Lingnan Traditional Buildings and Roof Drainage Technologies[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 768(1): 012151.

Cao J, Chen Y, Guo Y. Characteristics and application of regional building materials in Lingnan area: a case study of Casa da Cheang in Macao[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2021, 284: 05003.

Chen Y, Cao J, Zheng L. Research on the building restoration engineering and materials of the Night Watch House in Macau-taking the Patane Night Watch House in Patane as an example[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2021, 284: 05004.

Zheng L, Cao J, Chen Y. Analysis of the development and application of passive building technology in Macau[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2021, 284: 05002.

Zheng L, Chen Y. Problems and countermeasures in the restoration project of cultural relics of Macao Chong Sai Pharmacy[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2021, 284: 05005.

陈以乐,郑亮. 基于澳门传统摊车升级需求的可持续优化设计[C]//.工业设计产业研究中心2020年论文汇编. 2020:65-71.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2020.050713.

郑亮,陈以乐. 探析葡式铺装在澳门高校景观设计中的应用[C]//.工业设计产业研究中心2020年论文汇编. 2020:60-65.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2020.050712.

陈以乐. 从城市遗产视角探析粤港澳大湾区疍家文化[C]//.基于中葡平台的创新性发展研究——2020年中国与葡语系国家发展研究国际会议论文集. 2020:43-56.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2020.051566.

陈以乐. 探析葡萄牙里斯本与中国澳门的葡式碎石路之间的异同[C]//.基于中葡平台的创新性发展研究——2020年中国与葡语系国家发展研究国际会议论文集. 2020:29-42.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2020.051565.

ZHENG L, Chen Y. Research on Innovative Design of Portuguese Pavement's of Macau Campus Landscape[C]. 2020 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Cultures, Arts and Design (ICHCAD 2020).

陈以乐(2020年5月)。基于澳门机场口岸交通现状探析对葡语国家航线的建设。IETI Transactions on Social Sciences and Humanities,The 2020 3rd Postgraduate Forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(2020城市建设与展望: 第三届粤港澳大湾区研究生论坛精选论文集),ISBN:2663-1539,pp.60-74. Publisher:International Engineering and Technology Institute.(DOI:10.6896/IETITSSH.202005_7.0008)

陈以乐(2020年5月)。澳门绿道建设的前景研究。IETI Transactions on Social Sciences and Humanities,The 2020 3rd Postgraduate Forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(2020城市建设与展望:第三届粤港澳大湾区研究生论坛精选论文集),ISBN:2663-1539,pp.303-307. Publisher:International Engineering and Technology Institute.(DOI:10.6896/IETITSSH.202005_7.0040)


Yi-le Chen(2019)。Inheritance and Renewal——Design of Cultural Center Building Based on the Original Site of Yaozhou Ruins.载于澳门城市大学研究生会(主编),濠镜逐梦,湾区论衡:第二届粤港澳大湾区研究生论坛论文集(91-102页)。中国澳门:澳门城市大学研究生会出版。(ISBN:978-99981-944-0-3) 




Song, J., & Chen, Y. (2023). Research on the current situation of Portuguese architecture in Mozambique Island. Indonesian Journal of Art and Design Studies, 1(2), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijads.v1i2.1424

Fan, J., & Chen, Y. (2023). Study of Portuguese Architecture in Goa, India. Indonesian Journal of Art and Design Studies, 1(2), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijads.v1i2.1423

Yile Chen, & Yurong Ma. (2022). Research on the Sustainable Development of Modern Wharfs in China—Taking Hong Kong’s Blake Pier at Stanley as an Example. International Journal of Asian Business and Management, 1(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijabm.v1i1.2374

Chen, J., & Chen, Y. (2022). Research on the Practice and Optimization of Macau Urban Bus Priority Policy. Asian Journal of Management Analytics, 1(1), 63–78. https://doi.org/10.55927/ajma.v1i1.1601

Junzhang Chen, Yile Chen, & Liang Zheng. (2022). Analysis and Exploration of the Current Situation of Modern Landscape Architecture Planning and Construction Problems — Taking Zhuhai Yuanming New Garden as an Example. Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research, 1(3), 529–540. https://doi.org/10.55927/fjsr.v1i3.821

Chen, Junzhang, Yile Chen, and Liang Zheng. 2022. “Analysis and Exploration of the Industrial Development and Transformation Process of Historical Villages ——Taking Cuiwei Village As an Example”. Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences 1 (3). https://doi.org/10.55927/fjas.v1i3.820.

Chen, Y., & Song, J. (2022). The Study of Environment and Plant Landscape of the Garden of Mountain Russa (Jardim Municipal da Montanha Russa) in Macau. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies, 3(2), 29–38. https://doi.org/10.32996/jeas.2022.3.2.5

Chen, Junzhang, Liang Zheng, and Yile Chen. 2022. “Research on the Development Experience of Resilient Cities in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Take Zhuhai As an Example”. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Analytics 1 (1):67-86. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijaea.v1i1.823.

Chen, Junzhang, Yile Chen, and Liang Zheng. 2022. “Research on the Way of Village Renovation and Renewal — Taking Cuiwei Historic District As an Example”. Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences 1 (2):133-44. https://doi.org/10.55927/fjas.v1i2.822.

Junzhang Chen, Yile Chen, and Liang Zheng. 2022. “Protection and Analysis of 37 Historical Buildings in Cantonese Traditional Villages of Cuiwei Village in Zhuhai”. Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research 1 (2):231-44. https://doi.org/10.55927/fjsr.v1i2.796.

Yile Chen and Liang Zheng (2022). Lingnan Traditional Dwellings: Pátio das Seis Casas, Macau Peninsula. Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research and Development (MIJRD), Volume: 01 Issue: 05, Pages: 15-27.

Chen, Y., & Chen, J. (2022). Exploring the Relationship of Form and Hierarchy from the Perspective of Architectural Space and Components Taking the Mandarin’s House in Macau as an Example. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(4), 629–642. https://doi.org/10.55927/eajmr.v1i4.406

Chen, Y., Chen, J., & Zheng, L. (2022). Research on Architectural Design Technology of Macau World Heritage Building Mandarin’s House in Response to Hot and Humid Climate. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(4), 619–628. https://doi.org/10.55927/eajmr.v1i4.407


Junzhan Chen,Yile Chen,Liang Zheng,Qiang Tang. Research on Spatial Memory of Architectural Narrative Based on Spatial Syntax Theory: Wushan Dormitory of SCAU University as an Example[J]. Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering,2022,3(1).

Junzhang Chen,Yile Chen,Liang Zheng. Analysis and Research of Space Syntax in Urban Commercial Space: Taking the Bank of China Tower and Edificio Comercial Si Toi in Macau as Examples[J]. Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering,2022,3(1).

Chen Y, Chen J, Zheng L. Research on the Experience of Urban Epidemic Prevention and Governance in Chang'an City in Tang Dynasty Based on the Analysis of Historical Data[J]. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 2022, 3(1): 55-69.

Jiayue Fan,Yile Chen. University Campus Architects and Their Influences from the Perspective of Bibliometrics[J]. International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies,2022,2(1).

Yile Chen,Junzhang Chen,Liang Zheng. Analysis and Research on Space Syntax in Urban Heritage Building: the Conservatório de Macau as an Example[J]. International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies,2022,2(1).

Yile Chen,Junzhang Chen. A Dynamic Analysis of the Research on Community Public Space and Facilities Based on the Perspective of Bibliometrics[J]. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies,2022,4(1).

Yile Chen,Junzhang Chen. Analysis and Research on Spatial Nodes of Historical Villages based on Spatial Syntax Theory: Cuiwei Village in Qianshan Area of Zhuhai as an Example[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies,2022,4(1).

Chen Y, Zheng L. Smart streetlamps as part of a smart city approach in Macau[J]. International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development, 2021, 6(2): 11-20.

Yile Chen,Junzhang Chen. Analysis on the Status Quo and Construction Problems of Domestic Urban Civil Air Defense Engineering System in China[J]. Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering,2021,2(2).

Yile Chen. Analysis on the Development and Thinking of Macau's Construction of Green Ecological City[J]. International Core Journal of Engineering,2021,7(2).

Yile Chen. Research on Sustainable Planning Oriented by Horticultural Therapy Project——Take Hong Kong Sai Kung Yim Tin Tsai rehabilitation project design plan as an example[J]. Landscape and Urban Horticulture,2020,2(1).

Yile Chen. Explore the Design Model of Water-Faring Community (Dan Jia) in Urban Renewal in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. World Scientific Research Journal,2020,6(9).

Liang Zheng, Yile Chen. Analyze Macau City During Public Health Emergencies and Countermeasures[J]. International Journal of Social Science and Education Research,2020,3(9).



23–25 December 2022,2022 4th International Symposium on Architecture Research Frontiers and Ecological Environment (ARFEE 2022)[第四届建筑学研究前沿与生态环境国际研讨会],Guilin, China(海报展示)

26–28 October 2022,2022 3rd International Conference on Building Science, Technology and Sustainability (ICBSTS 2022),Lisbon, Portugal

23–24 September 2022,2022年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会暨DADA 2022数字建筑学术研讨会,Xiamen,China

6–11 September 2022,ISUF 2022 - The 29th Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form,Łódź Kraków,Poland

12–14 August 2022,2022 8th International Conference on Architectural, Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (ICACHE 2022)[第八届建筑、土木与水利工程国际学术会议],Guangzhou, China(海报展示)

5–7 August 2022,第三届中国空间数据智能学术会议SpatialDI 2022,Wuhan,China(海报展示)

24–27 July 2022,International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City(GBCESC 2022)[绿色建筑、土木工程与智慧城市国际会议],Guilin, China

24–26 June 2022,2022 International Conference on Energy Technology and Thermodynamic System (ETTS 2022) [2022年能源技术与热力系统国际学术会议],Dali, Yunnan, China

20–22 May 2022,2022 6th International Conference on Civil Architecture and Structural Engineering(ICCASE 2022)[第六届土木建筑与结构工程国际学术会议],Guangzhou, China

10 April 2022,International Conference on Artistic Design, Communication and Engineering Science in 2022(ICACES 2022)[第三届艺术设计、传播与工程科学研讨会]-online

21–22 March 2022,DARCH 2022- 2nd International Conference On Architecture & Design,Online Conference、Istanbul, Turkey

2–5 March 2022,International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2022,Novosibirsk, Russia

25–27 February 2022,2022 International Conference on Engineering Management and Information Science (EMIS 2022),Xiamen,China

24–26 December 2021,2021 International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021),Harbin, China

23 December 2021,2020/2021 Postgraduate Forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area[2020/2021年粵港澳大灣區研究生交流論壇],中國澳門

25–27 November 2021,International conference 2021 of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SPSD 2021),Nanjing, China

27–29 October 2021,2021 2nd International Conference on Building Science, Technology and Sustainability (ICBSTS 2021),Lisbon, Portugal(演讲)

21 May 2021,澳門城市大學2021年文化遺產保護國際學術研討會,中國澳門

28–30 April 2021,Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (TPACEE-2021),Moscow, Russia

23–25 April 2021,2021年计算机技术与全媒介融合设计国际学术会议(CTMCD 2021),Sanya,China

23–25 April 2021,第五届土木建筑与结构工程国际学术会议(ICCASE 2021),Zhangjiajie,China

26–28 March 2021,2021 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials (ICAMMT 2021) [第七届先进制造技术与应用材料国际学术会议],Sanya,China

26 March 2021,2021 4th International Conference on Hydraulic, Civil Engineering and Automatics (HCEA 2021) [第四届水利、土木工程及自动化国际学术会议]-online

25–27 December 2020,3rd International Conference on Energy Resources and Sustainable Development (ICERSD 2020),Harbin,China

18 October 2020,基于中葡平台的创新性发展研究——2020年中国与葡语系国家发展研究国际会议,中国澳门

26–27 February 2020,2nd International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2020),Moscow, Russia

December 2019,第一届广州城市管理研究联盟案例创新大赛暨“共建共治共享中的城市治理”学术研讨会,中国广州,演讲题目《澳门城市垃圾分类与回收的研究》

October 2019,青年中国行2019大学生暑期社会调研实践活动终期分享会,中国澳门,演讲题目《澳门城市垃圾回收再利用的可持续发展研究》。 

4–5 October 2019,3rd International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2019),Moscow, Russia

24 May 2019,第二屆粵港澳大灣區研究生論壇,中國澳門(演講),演講題目《Inheritance and Renewal——Design of Cultural Center Building Based on the Original Site of Yaozhou Ruins》

25 April 2019,第二屆中國濱海城市規劃與設計論壇,中國澳門(演講、海報展示),演講題目《澳門濱海步道使用後評價(POE)研究——以路環島黑沙龍爪角海岸徑為例》

25–27 February 2019,2019 International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2019),Moscow, Russia

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