CFP: IEEE Access Sepcial Issue Deadline March 31, 2015
来源: 舒磊/

IEEE Access

Industrial Sensor Networks with Advanced Data Management: Design and Security

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2015

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Industrial Sensor Networks with Advanced Data Management: Design and Security.

Sensor Networks have been widely applied in various industrial applications, e.g., patient monitoring and disease analysis, equipment monitoring and fault prediction, pollution monitoring and source detection, sea searching and tide monitoring. We are moving towards the era of worldwide industrial sensor networks, in which a massive amount of heterogeneous sensory data will be created every day and require advanced data management. However, the development of industrial applications with sensor networks has to take into account the following challenges:

• Efficiently gathering, sharing, and integrating heterogeneous spatial and temporal data and then deriving valuable knowledge in a timely manner.

• Advanced data management system in industrial sensor networks: Data management means a collection of centralized and distributed algorithms, architectures, and systems to store, process, and analyze the immense amount of data cooperatively and continuously gathered from the sensor network.

• Sensor systems need to optimize their energy consumption intelligently by weather-based energy harvesting.

• Secure and privacy-aware data management for industrial sensor networks: sensory data could be linked and mined to gain useful insights for creating huge economic and societal value. At the same time, privacy and security concerns can prevent such usage. In addition, further safeguards are needed to build trust in the data, which is instrumental for making critical decisions.

In this special section, we would like to invite researchers who are working on research challenges to further advance the development of the relationship among industrial sensor networks, target applications, and advanced data management. We welcome both original practical work and review articles. The objective of this Special Section is to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds and specializations under a common platform via a collection of invited and contributory articles describing different aspects of this emerging area.

Associate Editor: Lei Shu, Professor, Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China. Email:

Guest Editors:

1) Takahiro Hara, Associate Professor, Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Osaka University, Japan

2) Gerhard Hancke, Professor, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa

3) Kun Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

4) Noel Crespi, Professor, Institute Mines-Telecom, and University Pierre and Marie CURIE, France

Special Section: Call for Papers

IEEE Access Editor in Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), University of Maryland

Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For information regarding IEEE Access, including its publication policy and fees, please visit the website:

For Inquiries regarding this special section, please contact: Bora M. Onat, Managing Editor, IEEE Access

(Phone: (732) 562-6036,

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