[AD] 2017 - CFP:IECON 2017 Special Session (2)
来源: 舒磊/

The 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

China National Convention Center, Beijing, China

October 29 - November 1, 2017 


Special Session on

Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks for Hazardous Areas

organized and co-chaired by:


Lei Shu lei.shu@live.ie

Gerhard Hancke gerhard.hancke@up.ac.za

Mithun Mukherjee m.mukherjee@ieee.org



Call for Papers



Outline of the Session


Industrial hazards like mishaps in coal mines, e.g., fire from organic gases and underground water intrusion, toxic gas leakage in large-scale petrochemical industries, natural disaster, e.g., hurricane, storms destroying high tension voltage line resulting power fluctuation cause severe damage to industry, environment as well as human life. However, with the existing approaches with hand-held devices with static cable-connected sensor nodes and wireless sensor nodes in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs), several research works focus on the estimation hazardous area boundary. However, an accurate boundary is less likely to be detected due to the nature, e.g., invisibility, fast movement, and changing shape of toxic gases and sudden occurrence of industrial hazards. In addition, reporting only hazardous area is not safe enough to design the evacuation route for humans. It is also necessary to design pre- and post-disaster management in industrial applications. As a first step towards this goal, it is an important issue to provide real-time monitoring as well as develop new and effective methods for identifying safe area with the IWSNs in real-time when industrial hazards happens in the industrial plants.

Topics of the Session

State-of-the-art hazardous area detection

Real-time monitoring for hazardous area in industries

Fault diagnosis to pursue in safety in industries

Localization of hazardous sources

Detection and estimation of hazardous boundary area

Crowd-sensing-based approaches

Evacuation route planning during industrial hazards



Author’s schedule:   Deadline for submission of special session papers May 30, 2017

Notification of acceptance July 3, 2017

Deadline for submission of final manuscripts August 15, 2017


All the instructions for paper submission are included in the conference website: www.iecon2017.com

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