[AD] CFP: Chinacom 2017
来源: 舒磊/

12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2017), 

October 10-12, 2017, Xi’an, China


ChinaCom is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT. The aim of ChinaCom is to bring together Chinese and international researchers and practitioners in networking and communications under one roof, building a showcase of these fields in China. ChinaCom is being positioned as the premier international annual conference for the presentation of original and fundamental research advances in the field of communications, networks, and internet applications. In 2017, the city of Xi’an, a famous historical and cultural city of China, will host ChinaCom’17. The conference will consist of technical symposia, panels, tutorials, and workshops. All submissions to this conference will be subject to rigorous peer review before included in the technical sessions.




All accepted and presented papers will be included in the ChinaCom 2017 Conference Proceedings, and will be submitted for inclusion in Springer and EI Compendex. Papers accepted and presented in ChinaCom 2006-2015 have been indexed by EI entirely. Selected best and outstanding papers will be considered for publication in special issues of SCI-indexed Journals such as MONET after further extension, as well as EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, etc.

The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

We reserve the right to exclude papers accepted but not presented from the conference proceedings submitted for archiving and indexing.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2017

Author notification: June 20, 2017

Camera-ready: July 15, 2017

Organization Committee

More organization committee members will be invited.

General Chair

Bo Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University

General Co-Chairs

Pinyi Ren, Xi’an Jiaotong University

TPC Chair

Lei Shu, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology

TPC Co-Chairs

Shuai Wan, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Web Chair

Mao Yang, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Publicity and Social Media Chair / Co-Chairs:

Hongwei Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Chunsheng Zhu, University of British Columbia

Workshop Co-Chairs

Lijun Qian, Prairie View A&M University

Sponsorship & Exhibits Chair

Xiaoya Zuo, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Publication Chairs

Deze Zeng, China University of Geosciences

Panels Chair 

Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology

Tutorials Chair 

Weipeng Jing, Northeast Forestry University

Demos Chair 

Yuanfang Chen, Guangdong University of Petrochemical University

Posters and PhD Track Chair

Mithun Muhkerjee, Guangdong University of Petrochemical University

Local Chair 

Zhongjiang Yan, Northwestern Polytechnical University


Wireless Communications and Networking

- Antennas, propagation and channel modeling

- Modulation, coding and diversity techniques

- Equalization, detection and estimation

- Multiple antenna and multicarrier technologies

- Multiple access techniques

- Wireless air interference and link control

- Multimedia communications and QoS

- Radio resource management and interference control

- Non - orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G

- Millimeter wave based networking and communications for 5G

- The next generation WLAN

- Underwater acoustic networking and communications

- UAV networking and communications

- Software-defined wireless networking

- Wireless network virtualization

- Wireless ad hoc and mesh networks

- Vehicular networks

- Bluetooth technologies and applications

- Body area networks

- Heterogeneous networks and systems

- Ultra-wideband communications (UWB)

- Radio frequency identification (RFID)

- LTE, LTE-Advanced and 4G

Big Data Network

- Big data models, theories, algorithms, approaches, solutions

- Machine learning, data mining, web mining, and graph mining

- Data lifecycle

- Big data practices and applications

- Big data in, with, and for communications and networking

- Big data retrieval, processing, analysis, and analytics

- Big data integration and visualization

- Big data standardization and regulation

- Big data architecture, infrastructure and platforms

- Big data maintenance, management, and operations

- Big data classifications, benchmarks and metrics

- Big data acquisition, integration, cleaning, and practices

- Big data in and for research, sciences and technologies

- Big sciences and technologies

- Big business and industries

- Big data storage and management

- Privacy protection, trust in Big Data

- Policy making and legal issues in Big Data

- Security in Big Data

- Data intensive sciences and technologies

- Big data in, with, and for cloud computing and networking

- Green issues for and by big data

- Big data semantics, scientific and knowledge discovery and intelligence

- Inquiries and programming languages for big data

- Big data placement, scheduling, and optimization

- File systems and databases for big data

- Evaluations, simulations and debugging and tools relevant to big data

- Big data for smart cities and smart homes

- Big data with and for smart grids

- Big data with Internet of Things/cyber-physical systems

- Big data with relevant signal processing techniques

- Big data for biological, biomedical, and health science and technologies

- Big data for social networks

- Big data for multimedia and image processing

- Big data for astronomy

- Big data performance analysis and large-scale deployment

- Quality of experiences and quality of services of big data

- Distributed and federated datasets

- Mobility and big data

- Relevant surveys

Cloud Communications and Networking

- Big Data Management

- Cloud Federation and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

- Cloud Traffic Characterization and Measurements

- Cloud Traffic Engineering and Control-Plane Architectures

- Cloud Networking in 5G

- Cloud Networking for Internet of Things (IoT)

- Data Center Network Management, Reliability, Optimization

- Data Flow Management and Load Balancing

- Distributed Data Center Architectures and Services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

- Energy-Efficient Datacenters and Networks

- Green Data Centers and Cloud Networking

- Internet Routing of Cloud data

- Microservices and Container deployments

- Mobile Cloud Networking

- Network as a Service

- Network Functions Virtualization

- Network Virtualization

- Quality of Service or Experience (QoS & QoE) in Cloud Services and Networking

- Security, Privacy, and Confidentiality in Cloud Networking

- Software Defined Networks

- Storage Area Networks, Optical Interconnect, Fiber Channels

- Virtual Ethernet Switching, Data Center Bridging

- Virtualization of Network Equipment

- Wireless Data Center

Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks

- Access Control

- Ad Hoc networks of autonomous intelligent systems

- Analytic methods and modeling for performance evaluation

- Ad hoc network applications and architectures

- Delay-tolerant networking

- Distributed algorithms for ad hoc networks

- Geometric graphs

- Location discovery and management

- Mobile ad hoc computing platforms, systems and test beds

- Mobile social networking

- Quality-of-service

- Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, etc.)

- Sensor networks

- Self-configuration

- Service discovery

- Timing synchronization

Satellite and Space Communications and Networking

- Satellite and space communications and networking

- Near-Earth satellite communications

- Antennas for Satellite Communications

- MIMO satellite communications

- Hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks

- Coding, modulation and synchronization schemes for satellite communications

- Channel models for satellite communications

- Transport protocol performance over satellite

- Security, privacy, and trust in satellite networks

- Radio resource management in satellite networks

- Emerging standards: DVB-Sx, DVB-SH, DVB-RCS2, IP over Satellite

- Cognitive satellite networks

- Delay Tolerant Networking for satellite networks

- QoS and performance for satellite networks

- On-board switching and processing technologies

- Interference and Fade mitigation techniques over satellite channels

- Nano-satellites communications

- Mega-constellations design

- M2M over satellite applications

- New standard in navigation systems: Galileo, GPS, SBAS (EGNOS, WAAS…), GBAS.

- Signal detection and estimation for satellite communications

- Statistical and adaptive signal processing for satellite systems

- Satellite communications for maritime applications (e.g., AIS)

- Satellite-based disaster recovery

- Satellite-based remote e-Health

- Satellite-based solutions for aeronautical applications

- Interplanetary communications

- Next-generation channel coding for deep-space communications

- Telemetry/telecommand space protocol evolutions

- Internet of Remote Things

Optical Communications and Networking

- Optical network architecture, application, and services

- High speed, high spectral efficiency optical communication systems

- Optical switching technologies

- Backbone and metro-core networks

- Optical access network design and protocols

- Optical network survivability

- DWDM/CWDM transceivers and transponders

- Optical devices for switching, filtering, and Interconnects

- Optical communication performance monitoring

- Energy efficiency in optical networks

- Convergence of optical and wireless access networks

- Optical wireless communications

Information and Coding Theory

- Coding theory and practice

- Communication theory

- Data compression

- Signal detection and estimation

- Information theory and statistics

- Network communication theory

- Multiple terminal information theory

- Quantum information theory

- Sequences and complexity

- Channel capacity

- Joint source and channel coding

Multimedia Communications & Smart Networking

- Multimedia delivery and streaming over wired and wireless networks

- Cross-layer optimization for multimedia services

- Multicast, broadcast and IPTV

- Multimedia computing systems and human-machine interaction

- Interactive media and immersive environments

- Multimedia content analysis and search

- Multimedia databases and digital libraries

- Converged application/communication servers

- Multimedia security and privacy

- Multimedia analysis and social media

- Multimedia QoS provisioning

- Multimedia streaming over mobile social networks and service overlay networks

- Service creation, delivery, management

- Virtual home environment and network management

- Charging, pricing, business models

- Cooperative networking for streaming media content

- Ubiquitous computing services and applications

- Networked autonomous systems

- Communications software or applications of autonomous behavior in vehicular communications

- Web services and distributed software technology

- Software for distributed systems and applications, including smart grid and cloud computing services

- Peer-to-peer technologies for communication services

- Context awareness and personalization

- Wearable computing architecture, protocol or application based on wireless sensor networks and Ubiquitous Network

- Smart networking for social networks and collaborative systems

- Intelligent application software architecture for Internet of Things

Green Communications & Computing

- Green computing models, simulations, designs

- Energy-efficient networking and computing infrastructures

- Energy-aware resource allocation and scheduling mechanisms

- Green materials and devices design

- Usage of renewable energy for green ICT operation

- Cross-layer optimization of green networking infrastructures

- End-to-end modeling and performance of green communication networks

- Communication networks for smart grids

- Energy efficient hardware, devices and designs

- Life-cycle analysis of computing equipment

- Energy harvesting, storage, and recycling

- Climate and ecosystem monitoring

- Energy-efficient data center and cloud technologies

- Cooperative theory and game theory for green communication networks

- Green high-performance computing and applications

- Realization of smart grids by the application of ICT

- Integration of distributed energy resources

Signal Processing for Communications

- Adaptive signal processing

- Multi-rate signal processing

- Array Signal Processing

- Blind Signal Processing

- Signal detection and synchronization

- SIMO, MISO, MIMO precoder/decoder design

- Smart antenna beamforming and DOA estimation

- Radar signal processing

- Distributed/centralized algorithms for communication systems

- Statistical signal processing

- Spectral analysis and estimation

- System level optimization

- Cross-layer optimization

- Software defined and cognitive radio

- Compressive sensing and compressive sampling

- Space-time processing and decoding

- Channel estimation, equalization and modeling

- Localization and positioning techniques

- Signal processing in LTE/LTE-A/IMT-A and other emerging systems

- Signal processing for security and cryptography

Network and Information Security

- Security in cloud and grid systems

- Network security analysis and prediction technologies

- Network risk analysis and evaluation technologies

- Trusted computing

- Cryptography and data security

- Multilevel security system and technologies

- Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures

- Wireless and pervasive/ubiquitous computing security

- Security for critical infrastructures

- Intrusion and anomaly detection and prevention

- Automated tools for source code analysis

- Malicious code analysis, anti-virus, anti-spyware

- Privacy-preserving (and compromising) systems

- Security and privacy in network

Machine-to-Machine and Internet of Things

- Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications

- Applications such as industrial automation, logistics, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, health, defense, etc.

- Internet of Things (IoT)

- Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

- Telematics applications

- Transport protocol suitable for communication in M2M/IoT

- Smart cities/municipalities

- M2M Applications

Communication QoS, Reliability & Modeling Symposium

- Quality in Multimedia Networks, including Voice over IP and IPTV

- Quality, Scalability and Performance in the Internet

- Quality and Performance in Wireless and Mobile Networks

- Quality, Reliability and Performance in Optical and Multi-Layer Networks

- Quality and Performance in Autonomic Systems

- Quality and Performance in Grid, Cloud and Distributed Computing

- Quality and Performance in Overlay (including Peer-to-Peer) Networks

- Quality and Performance for Network and Services

- Quality and Resource Allocation for Network Services, VPN, Web

- Performance Modeling of Next-Generation Networks

- Performance of Large Scale Experimental Platforms

- Scalability, Robustness and Resilience

- Standardization Aspects of QoS and Reliability

- Network Performance Evaluation Techniques

- TCP/IP Performance

- Design of Networks and Network Services

- Cross-Layer Design, Modeling and Optimization

- Application/Service Oriented Networking

- Network Simulation Techniques

- Network Modeling

- Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques

- Resource Allocation for Networks and Their Services

- Traffic and Workload Modeling and Characterization

- Traffic and Workload Control

- Traffic Economics

- Traffic Engineering and Traffic Theory

- Metrics and Models for Quality of Experience (QoE)

Cognitive Radio and Networks Symposium

- Spectrum sensing, measurements and statistical modeling of spectrum usage

- Distributed cooperative spectrum sensing and multiuser access

- Dynamic spectrum accessing and sharing in unlicensed bands

- Waveform design, modulation, interference aggregation and mitigation for cognitive radio networks

- Cognitive medium access control (MAC), interference management, handoff and routing protocols

- Resource allocation for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-based cognitive radio communications

- Distributed adaptation and optimization methods for cognitive radio networks

- Cross-layer optimization of cognitive radio networks

- Ranging and localization in cognitive radio networks

- Radio environment mapping for cognitive radio networks

- Architectures and building blocks of cognitive radio networks

- Energy-efficient environment-friendly cognitive radio communications and networking (green cognitive radio)

- Cognitive intelligent techniques (e.g., machine learning, transfer learning, information-theoretic learning, bio-inspired intelligence)

- Self-configuration, interoperability and co-existence issues

- Security and robustness of cognitive spectrum-agile networks

- Applications and services based on cognitive radio networks (e.g., cognitive networking in TV whitespace, cognitive femtocell & small cell networks, public safety networks, and vehicular networks)

- Cognitive radio standards, test-beds, simulation tools, hardware prototypes and implementation

- Regulatory policies and their interactions with communications and networking

- Economic aspects of spectrum sharing (e.g., pricing, auction) in cognitive radio networks


- Autonomic Diagnosis and Situation Awareness (Fall, Activity, etc.)

- Biomedical and biosensors engineering

- Body sensor networks and wearable sensor systems

- Clinical biofeedback

- Clinical decision support systems and tools

- Context Awareness and Autonomous Computing for AAL (Ambient Assisted Living)

- eHealth information and network Infrastructure

- eHealth oriented Software Architectures (Agent, SOA, Middleware, etc.)

- eHealth virtual and augmented reality

- Emerging eHealth applications

- Health grid and health cloud

- Health monitoring and traffic characterization

- Healthcare management

- ICT-enabled personal health system

- Image and video processing on eHealth

- Molecular Sensor Communications

- Pervasive and ubiquitous computing on eHealth

- Security, trust, and privacy on eHealth

- Social aspects of eHealth

- Telemedicine and mobile telemedicine

- Usability and Acceptability

- Wireless medical device systems and effectiveness

- Communication protocols and algorithms for eHealth

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