来源: 徐贯东/


香港教育大学(The Education University of Hong Kong)徐贯东讲席教授团队现招收若干博士研究生,参与人工智能在教育中的应用、图学习及推荐系统、人工智能内容生成、社会计算等数据科学与人工智能相关领域的研究。欢迎有数据科学或人工智能背景的同学通过电邮联系申请。如有深度学习、教育数据分析、图学习或人工智能内容生成等相关研究基础的同学将被优先考虑。


徐贯东教授现担任香港教育大学人工智能讲席教授、数据科学与人工智能中心(UDSAI)主任及教学科技中心(LTTC)主任。其研究领域涵盖人工智能教育、可解释人工智能、社会计算、图学习、推荐系统等。近年来,徐教授在KDD、SIGIR、WebConf、NeurIPS、CVPR, IJCAI、AAAI、TKDE、TOIS、TMM、TNNLS等大数据分析及人工智能领域顶会顶刊发表学术论文超220篇,他目前担任Springer Nature下的Human-centric Intelligent Systems期刊 主编和World  Wide Web 期刊副主编


徐教授团队为所有博士研究生提供约220,000港元/年的全额奖学金确保攻读博士学位期间没有经济负担,另有差旅资助 31,000港元;优秀的申请者将被推荐申请港府及学校的各类奖学金,最高可获得奖学金约336000港币/年,差旅资助13500港币/年,同时减免学费。团队与香港本地、中国内地及国际顶尖科研团队合作紧密,博士研究生能够获得充足的国际学术合作和交流机会,开拓研究视野。此外,团队将为所有博士研究生配备充足的计算资源,并提供国际会议参会津贴。









The team led by Chair Professor Guandong Xu at the Education University of Hong Kong is recruiting PhD students to join the data science and artificial intelligence research team. The research areas include, but are not limited to, AI in education, graph learning, recommender systems, AI content generation, and social computing. Students with a background in data science or AI, or with research experience in deep learning, educational data analysis, graph learning, or AI content generation are particularly encouraged to apply via email.


Professor Guandong Xu currently serves as Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Director of the University Research Facility of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (UDSAI) and Director of the Teaching, Learning & Technology Center (LTTC) at the Education University of Hong Kong. Its research fields cover artificial intelligence in education and applications, explainable artificial intelligence, social computing, graph learning, and recommender systems etc. In recent years, Professor Xu has published more than 220 academic papers in top conferences and journals in the field of data science and artificial intelligence, such as KDD, SIGIR, WebConf, NeurIPS, CVPR, IJCAI, AAAI, TKDE, TOIS, and TNNLS, etc. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Human-centric Intelligent Systems Journal and the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the World Wide Web Journal (Springer).


The successful candidate will receive a full scholarship of around HK$220,000 per year to ensure they are financially supported throughout their studies, as well as a travel subsidy of HK$31,000. Exceptional applicants may also be recommended for additional scholarships from the Hong Kong government and schools, with a maximum scholarship of approximately HK$336,000 per year, a travel subsidy of HK$13,500 per year, and a tuition fee waiver. The team collaborates with top research teams in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and internationally, providing doctoral candidates with ample opportunities for international academic cooperation and exchange. The team also provides sufficient computing resources and allowances for international conference participation.


The Education University of Hong Kong is one of the eight public universities funded by the Hong Kong University Grants Committee. It is committed to promoting the development of learning and teaching by providing education excellence and pedagogy innovation, exploring the integration of data science and artificial intelligence into social sciences, humanities, and cross-disciplines, knowledge transformation and impact. The Education University of Hong Kong aims to cultivate thinkers, technology practitioners and community leaders who are capable of serving the community and driving innovation and societal change. In the 2023 QS World University Rankings, the Education University of Hong Kong ranks 4th in Asia and 21st in the world in the subject of "Education and Training".


Interested applicants can send their CV and transcripts via email to


In addition, the team also has vacancies for postdoctoral fellows (full-time) and research assistants (full-time). If you are interested in applying, please contact us by email.

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