一篇论文被ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology正式录用
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近日,我们的工作被软件工程领域的CCF-A类期刊ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology正式录用。注:TOSEM是软件工程领域公认的最好的两本期刊之一,另一本是TSE.

Yi Xiang, Han Huang*, Sizhe Li, Miqing Li, Chuan Luo, and Xiaowei Yang*. 2023. Automated Test Suite
Generation for Software Product Lines based on Quality-Diversity Optimisation. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng.
Methodol. 0, 1, Article 0 (2023), 54 pages.

A Software Product Line (SPL) is a set of software products that are built from a variability model. Real-world
SPLs typically involve a vast number of valid products, making it impossible to individually test each of them.
This arises the need for automated test suite generation, which was previously modeled as either a single-objective or a multi-objective optimisation problem considering only objective functions. This article provides a completely different mathematical model by exploiting the benefits of Quality-Diversity (QD) optimisation that is composed of not only an objective function (e.g., t-wise coverage or test suite diversity) but also a user-defined behavior space (e.g., the space with test suite size as its dimension). We argue that the new model is more suitable and generic than the two alternatives because it provides at a time a large set of diverse (measured in the behavior space) and high-performing solutions that can ease the decision-making process. We apply MAP-Elites, one of the most popular QD algorithms, to solve the model. The results of the evaluation, on both realistic and artificial SPLs, are promising, with MAP-Elites significantly and substantially outperforming both single- and multi-objective approaches, and also several state-of-the-art SPL testing tools. In summary, this paper provides a new and promising perspective on the test suite generation for SPLs.


软件工程领域的期刊论文往往工作量极大(本文长达54页),本文经历了2轮大修最终才得以录用。特别感谢副主编  Gilles Perrouin教授“ took the exceptional decision to allow for an exceptional second major revision because though the reviewers appreciate your work and improvements, Reviewer 2 have still important concerns. ” 



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