IES ONCON 2023:欢迎大家投稿
来源: 舒磊/

2nd Annual Online Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

December 08-10, 2023 Online

Welcome to IES ONCON 2023

As the world gradually returns to physical and offline activities, IEEE IES has madethe deliberate choice to continue with an annual online conference. Building uponthe success of the inaugural event, we are thrilled to launch this new series.Online conferences have their merits. Authors need not look for VISA application)clearances, spend for travel and other expenses and save time too.While you have a complete flavor of a full IEEE event, the registration fee is keptmarginal. ONCON will be having expert talks from global Leaders, TutorialsTechnical Committee Activities and lots of student activities.Please stay in touch and do not miss attending this unique event.


IEEE ONCON 2023 is the 2nd Annual Onine Conference of the lEEE IndustrialElectronics Society (lES), focusing on the advanced theory, concepts,andapplications of advanced industrial Electronic Systems. The conference has a widescope and brings together, scientists, practitioners, industry engineers andinventors thatapply electronic concepts within an industrial context. Theobjectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professionalinteractions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship. Paperswith new research results are encouraged for submission.The conference acceptsboth regular papers and extended abstracts. We willrecommend a selection of exceptional papers for publication in journalsWelcome to submit your valuable manuscript to us!

  • Power Electronics & Energy Conversion 
  • Electrical Machines and Drives
  • Power Systems and Smart Grid
  • Renewable Energy GenerationStorage,and Harvesting
  • Electric Transportation
  • Sensors,Actuators, SystemsIntegration and Nano Technologies
  • Data-Driven Control and Monitoring
  • Prognostics and Health Management
  • Control.Roboticsand Mechatronics
  • Cloud Computing, Big Data andSoftware Engineering
  • Signaland lmage Processing and ComputationalIntelligence
  • Electronic System on Chip and Embedded Control
  • Industrial Automation,Communication,Networking, DigitalTwin, and Informatics

Conference website:
Important dates:

  • 6-page paper submission:                           October 1, 2023
  • 2-page extended abstract submission:      October 1, 2023

(other important dates are available at the conference website.)



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