CFP:Special Issue of the ACES Journal on Metamaterials and Metadevices
来源: 赵雷/

The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society

Announces a Special Issue of the ACES Journal on:

Metamaterials and Metadevices for Integrated Sensing, Imaging, and Communication

Guest Editors:

Prof. Yongjin Zhou, Shanghai University,

Prof. Qingfeng Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology,

Prof. Kai-Da Xu, Xi’an Jiaotong University,

Prof. Xuanru Zhang, Southeast University,

Prof. Lei Zhao, China University of Mining and Technology,


The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society is announcing a new Special Issue of the ACES Journal dedicated to papers related to metamaterials and metadevices for integrated sensing, imaging, and communication for 5G/6G applications.

Smart metamaterials and metasurfaces for sensing, imaging, communication have emerged one after another. The integration of sensing functionality is emerging as a key feature of 6G. The special issue discusses the methods and principles to integrate these functions in one system. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Modeling, simulation, and design of metamaterials and meta-devices
  • Integrated sensing and communication
  • Novel antennas and imaging
  • New-concept waveguides and devices
  • Millimeter wave and terahertz devices and antennas
  • Characteristic mode analysis for antennas
  • Novel sensors and absorbers
  • Dual-functional radar and communication



Submission Instructions
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. These submissions will be peer reviewed and only high-quality submissions will be selected for journal publication.

Before submission authors should make sure their paper follows the ACES Journal template, which can be found on our website under the author guidelines tab: 

Submissions | The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES) (

Please note, this is an open access journal and incurs publication charges payable by the author. ACES Members: $300. Non-Members: $500.  Overpage charges $60 per page above 6 pages. Fees payable after acceptance and before publication. Corresponding author are encouraged to be an active member of the society at the time of submission and at the time of publication in order to receive the reduced member charge.

Please submit your paper through the ACES Journal submission system

Please select “Metamaterials and Metadevices for Integrated Sensing, Imaging, and Communication” in the section category, to make sure your paper is submitted to the special issue.

Only papers submitted to the journal submission platform will be considered. Email or paper submissions will not be processed.

Submission Guidelines
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

ACES Journal is abstracted in INSPEC, in Engineering Index, DTIC, Science Citation Index Expanded, the Research Alert, and to Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology


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