CALL FOR PAPERS =============== The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI 2019) 19-23 August, 2019 Leicester, UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Towards Reliable and Scalable Smart Cities Smart Cities offer the potential to revolutionize a range of applications within today's society in areas such as healthcare, energy management, transportation, security and smart buildings. This potential is built upon an intricate technical infrastructure including smart sensing/devices/materials, IoT, networking, cloud computing, big data, machine learning and mobile cloud services. As such, SCI2019 will provide the opportunity for researchers to discuss the state-of-the-art from both a technical and application perspective. The Conference aims to provide a unique platform for multi-disciplinary researchers and teams, industry solution vendors, and government agencies to exchange innovative ideas, challenges, research results and solutions. The Conference will include a highly selective program of technical papers, accompanied by workshops, demos, poster presentations and keynote presentations. Original contributions are welcome from both a technical and application perspective. The theme of the 2019 edition will be to investigate how Smart City Innovations can manage issues surrounding reliability in addition to considering how ideas and concepts can be deployed on a large scale. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: Theory, Modeling and Methodologies -Smart city networking, services and infrastructures and reliability -Smart environment modeling, monitoring, prediction and analysis -Smart city frameworks and platforms -Smart city big data, open data, and urban computing -Smart utilities, consumption, sensing and IoT -Smart communities and neighborhoods -Modeling security, safety and privacy for smart cities Applications and Industry Practice -Smart city transportation systems -Smart city sewage, water and electricity management -Smart city healthcare service monitoring -Smart city emergency altering, management and infrastructures -Smart city crime watching -Smart city education, training and social services -Smart home, smart buildings and smart communities IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: 19 Feb 2019 Authors Notification: 19 April 2019 Camera-ready Deadline: 19 May 2019 PAPER SUBMISSION Submissions are limited to 8 pages for a main conference paper, 6 pages for a workshop , 4 pages for a Work-in-Progress paper, and 4 pages for a poster or demo paper in the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Format ( with Portable Document Format (.pdf). A submission can have at most 2 additional pages with the pages incuring an overlength charge if accepted. Paper Publication At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the conference; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.