Mithun Mukherjee Mithun Mukherjee

广东石油化工学院 广东省石化装备故障诊断重点实验室


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MITHUN MUKHERJEE received the B.E. degree in electronics and communication engineering from University Institute of Technology, Burdwan University, India in 2007, the M.E. degree in information and communication engineering from Indian Institute of Science and Technology, Shibpur, India in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India in 2015. Currently, he is a Specially Assigned Researcher in the Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China. He was a faculty in the department of electronics and communication engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India (2014-2015). ​ His research interests include wireless sensor network, wireless communications, energy harvesting, and cloud computing. He has authored around 30 publications accepted or published by refereed international journals/magazines/letters (e.g., IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Access, and IEEE Communications Letters) and conferences (e.g., IEEE/ACM IPSN, IEEE WCNC, IEEE PIMRC, and IEEE IECON). He also served/will serve as TPC chair for AINIS 2016 in conjunction with IEEE 83rd VTC2016-Spring, AINIS 2015 organized in conjunction with the fourth IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China 2015, as the Publicity Chair /Posters and PhD Track Chair of international conferences including WICON 2016 and Future 5V 2016, as Technical Program Committee members of more than 10 conferences, including the IEEE ICC 2017, ICCC 2016, and QSHINE 2015. He was a reviewer of around 10 international journals/magazines including IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transaction on Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Systems Journal, IET Communications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and around 25 international conferences/workshops including IECON 2016, PIMRC 2016-Track-Mobile and Wireless, GLOBECOM 2016-Track CSSMA, VTC-spring 2016, VTC-spring 2015, IEEE/CIC ICCC 2015, WCNC 2015-Track 3-Mobile and Wireless Networks, WCNC 2015-Track 1-PHY and Fundamentals, and ICC 2014. He is an associate editor of EAI Endrosed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems.

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