来源: 陈龙/

近日,在刚刚结束最终审稿的并行处理算法与体系结构国际会议 (International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, CCF Rank C) 上,高性能计算与数据科学课题组成功被录用5篇文章,全部为Regular Paper。本次会议是课题组所取得的新突破。该会议是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐的C类重要国际学术会议。

实验室网络计算课题组分别在移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing)、频谱拍卖(Spectrum Auction)、基于区块链的文本去重(Deduplication)方向发表最新研究成果。论文作者、标题及第一作者统计信息如下:

Qiankun Yu, Jigang Wu and Long ChenPOEM: Pricing Longer for Edge Computing in the Device Cloud研究生
Yinan Li, Jigang Wu and Long ChenNESTLE: Incentive Mechanism Specialized for Computation Offloading in Local Edge Community研究生
Xin Long, Jigang Wu and Long ChenEnergy-Effcient Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing with Edge-Cloud Collaboration本科生
Xinxiang Zhang, Jigang Wu and Long ChenTAMSA: Two-stage Auction Mechanism for Spectrum Allocation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks研究生
Jingyi Li, Jigang Wu, Long Chen and Jiaxing LiBlockchain-based Secure and Reliable Distributed Deduplication Scheme研究生

本次会议的研究成果受到国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“异构网络移动云计算资源配置与计算迁移技术研究” (NSFC No. 61702115)等项目的资助。


“The paper targets a key topic in mobile edge computing. It is well structured and the motivation and contributions are clearly explained. ”

“The structure is well organized and the English is used properly. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication.”

“This paper has addressed novel computation offloading schemes with device, edge server and remote cloud collaboration.”

“ The authors investigated an incentive mechanism to encourage the spectrum holders to share their idle spectrum resources and encourage the cooperative transmission of the data to improve the utilization of the spectrum resources.”


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