博士生Aftab Akram在国际学术会议做邀请报告
来源: 汤庸/

       2018年3月15-17,第6届International Conference on Education在巴基斯坦拉合尔教育大学(University of education )举行。本届主题是"Science beyond classroom",来自10多个国家的学者参加了会议。

     我院2015级博士生Aftab Akram应邀出席会议并做题为"Building learning collaboration through academic social networks: a case study based on SCHOLAT"的邀请报告(invited talk)。In his talk Mr. Aftab Akram highlighted the importance of academic social networks in building learning collaborations. He also presented his work on SCHOLAT Course. The audience which moslty consist of students from difference educational institutes of Pakistan and teachers took special interest in his talk. In his remarks, the session chair appreciated the role of SCHOLAT in promoting collaborative work in learning. In the end, the session chair presented sovenier the Mr. Aftab Akram. 

        Aftab Akram是我院第一位外国博士生(指导教师为汤庸、蒋运承),他是巴基斯坦Lahore 教育大学计算机信息技术讲师,主要研究方向是教育信息服务计算。2015年9月入学,已以第一作者在国际重要学术会议发表2篇论文(包括CCF C类会议CSCWD),目前还有一篇论文在投SCI重要期刊。

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