1篇论文被IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics接受
来源: 向毅/

近日,我们的论文A Scalar Projection and Angle based Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-objective Optimization Problems 被IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 正式接受


In decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, the setting of search directions (or weight vectors), and the choice of reference points (i.e., the ideal point or the nadir point) in scalarizing functions, are of great importance to the performance of the algorithms. This paper proposes a new decomposition-based many-objective optimizer by simultaneously using adaptive search directions and two reference points. For each parent, binary search directions are constructed by using its objective vector and the above two reference points. Each individual is simultaneously evaluated on two fitness functions---which are motivated by scalar projections---that are deduced to be the differences between two penalty-based boundary intersection (PBI) functions, and two inverted PBI functions, respectively. Solutions with the best value on each fitness function are emphasized. Moreover, an angle-based elimination procedure is adopted to select diversified solutions for the next generation. The use of adaptive search directions aims at effectively handling problems with irregular Pareto-optimal fronts, and the philosophy of using the ideal and nadir points simultaneously is to take advantages of the complementary effects of the two points when handling problems with either concave or convex fronts. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with seven state-of-the-art multi-/many-objective evolutionary algorithms on 32 test problems with up to 15 objectives. It is shown by the experimental results that the proposed algorithm is flexible when handling problems with different types of Pareto-optimal fronts,  obtaining promising results regarding both the quality of the returned solution set and the efficiency of the new algorithm.

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