来源: 汤庸/


Career Opportunities of South China Normal University for High-level Talents


华南师范大学始建于1933年,地处广东省广州市,是国家“211 工程”重点建设大学和广东省人民政府与教育部共建高校,进入广东省高水平大学整体建设高校行列。学校现有广州石牌、广州大学城和佛山南海 3 个校区,占地面积 3025亩。现有在校全日制本科生24998人,硕士研究生7312人,博士研究生821人,博士后在站98人,每年在校留学生达1000多人,形成了学士—硕士—博士—博士后完整的人才培养体系。目前学校拥有一批在国内外具有影响力的专家学者。现有专任教师1934人,其中副高级以上1098人。学科布局覆盖哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学 12个门类,拥有4个国家重点学科:教育技术学、发展与教育心理学、光学、体育人文社会学(重点培育),并有22个广东省重点学科。化学、工程学、植物学与动物学、数学4个学科进入 ESI 全球前 1%



South China Normal University was established in 1933. Located in Guangzhou, Guangdong, South China Normal University is a member of “Project 211” and co-constructed by both the Ministry of Education of China and People’s Government of Guangdong Province. It is selected into the list of key construction universities in the  Guangdong High Level Universities Program. South China Normal  University boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University City Campus and Nanhai Campus, with a total area of over 200 hectares. Now South China Normal University has 24,998 undergraduates, 7,312 master degree candidates, 821 doctoral degree candidates, 98 postdoctoral research fellows and over 1000 overseas students, thus forming a complete talent cultivation system covering bachelor, master, doctoral and postdoctoral programs. Centering on talent cultivation, South China  Normal University invests quality resources to address the need of the students. South China  Normal University attaches great importance to the faculty construction. Having adopted the strategy of fostering and introducing talent, the University has attracted a great number of outstanding experts to join it. With a great number of influential experts and scholars, South  China Normal  University has 1,934 full time teaching staff, 1,098 of whom have at least associate professor or associate researcher titles. Discipline covers 12 categories including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management, and art, Four of which, including educational technology, developmental and educational psychology, optics and sociology of physical education are state-level key disciplines, 22 of which are key disciplines in Guangdong Province. Four disciplines including chemistry, plant and animal science, engineering and mathematics enter ESI top 1%.  

South China Normal University owns 2 Key laboratory of Ministry of Education: Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science, Ministry of Education; Key Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry of Environment, Ministry of Education; 1 Key Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education:  Engineering Research Center of Materials and Technology for Electrochemical Energy Storage, Ministry of Education; 1 international

Research laboratory of Ministry of Education: Joint International Research Laboratory of Optical Information Technologies, Ministry of Education; 1 Key Research Base for Social Science jointly run by Ministry of Education of China and Guangdong Province: Center for Studies of Psychological Application;1 Research Base under China Sports General Administration: Sports and Social Sciences Research Base.

Taking good advantage of being located in the forefront of reform and opening up and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao and giving full play to the advantage of teacher education, South China Normal University has established links with over 150 universities and research institutes. Substantive exchanges and cooperation have resulted in introducing of intellectual resources, scientific research, joint programs, and publication of books. In addition, this has led to cultivation of personnel, holding international conferences, exchange of staff and students, sharing information in teaching and research, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, which greatly facilities the university’s teaching and research. The university’s comprehensive strength ranks the first class amongChina’s normal universities and local key universities. South  China Normal  University is making great efforts to become a first-class domestic comprehensive normal university as well as a world-known one.

一、招聘学科Research Disciplines with Vacancies Available



As part of its campaign to develop and strengthen the university by introducing and cultivating talented teachers and researchers, South China Normal Univerisity is currently recruiting for academic positions in the following disciplines: Physics, Optical Engineering, Optics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electrical & Information EngineeringMaterial Physics and SciencePlant Science, Animal Science, Aquaculture, Aquatic Organisms, Entomology, Rare Animals, Physiological Ecology, Macroecology, Neuroscience, BioinformaticsMathematicsChemistry, Environment and MaterialsPhysical GeographyHuman GeographyRS and GIS: Theory and Application, Computer ScienceEconomics and Management.



1、学术带头人 High-level Academic Leaders


Candidates, preferably under 50 years old, should be qualified to be listed in national top talents or scientific research programs such as the Chang Jiang Scholars, Program of Global Experts, the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientist. Candidate can work full time in our university.

2、青年拔尖人才Outstanding Young Scholars










Candidates should be qualified to be listed in the “Thousand Young Talents Program” (candidates of the discipline of finance not included), and can meet the following requirements:

(1)  Applicants should consciously adhere to China’s laws and regulations, and have good academic ethics;

(2)  Applicants whose research fields are in natural science and engineering technology should be under 40 years old (up to June.1, 2016, the same below);

(3)  Applicants should have acquired a doctoral degree, and have over three years’ overseas research and working experience (not including working experience abroad with employment relations remained in China). Applicants who received a doctoral degree in China should have at least three-year oversea working experience. Applicants who have received a doctoral degree abroad may be waived from the limit of three-year oversea work experience if they have outstanding research performance and other great achievements. In such cases, a waiver letter with explanation and proofs is required. 

(4)  Applicants should have an official teaching or research position in overseas universities, research institutions and enterprises of high prestige.

(5)  Generally, applicants should not have a full-time position in China at the time of application. However, if applicants are already holding a position in China, it should be less than one year that they returned from abroad.

(6)  Applicants should work full time in China once employed.

(7)  Applicants should be the top performers among their peers in the same research field and have potential to become the leading persons of their field.


三、提供待遇 Benefits



 Academic Leader: The applicant, once accepted, will be provided with salary above 800 thousand RMB per year, housing allowance of 4 Million RMB, research start-up fund will be commensurate with his/her current qualifications and experience, temporary apartment, pre-schooling for his/her children. SCNU will try to arrange a job for his/her spouse.

 Outstanding Young Scholars: The applicant, once accepted, will be provided with salary 300 thousand~ 400 thousand RMB per year, housing allowance of 2 Million RMB, start-up fund will be commensurate with his/her current qualifications and experience,, temporary apartment, pre-schooling for his/her children. SCNU will try to arrange a job for his/her spouse.

四、应聘材料 Documents for Application




Materials to be Submitted for Application:

(1)One copy of CV;

(2)A list of research projects, publications (please specify collection by SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI as well as journal impact factor and citation frequency) and award-winning achievements during recent 5 years;

(3)A Copy of credential of holding an important position abroad or  in China.


五、联系方式 Contact Information

人事处主页: http://rsc.scnu.edu.cn/

Website of Human Resources Office: http://rsc.scnu.edu.cn/

办公电话:      +86-20-85211061

移动电话:      +86-13711170336

传真号码:      +86-20-85213352

Office Number:   +86-20-85211061       

Mobile Number:  +86-13711170336

Fax   Number:  +86-20-85213352


Email: recruit@m.scnu.edu.cn


Contact: Ms. Chen


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