2016级硕士参加IEEE ICCC会议并宣读学术论文

2016级硕士生李静静参加第七届中国国际通信大会(IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018, http://iccc2018.ieee-iccc.org)。该会议于2018年8月16日-18日在北京中家鑫温泉酒店举行。李静静同学在ICCC 2018会议发表题目为《Joint Impact of Hardware Impairments and Imperfect CSI on Cooperative SWIPT NOMA Multi-Relaying Systems》学术论文,该论文研究hardware impairment 和channel estimation error对对中继NOMA系统性能的影响

摘要:The performance of a cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) multi-relay system, where the communication between the base state (BS) and users is carried out through either the direct transmission or the assistance of energy harvesting (EH) relays, is evaluated in the presence of hardware impairment and imperfect channel state information (ICSI). A relay is selected among K EH relays by using partial relay selection (PRS) protocol to forward the received signal to a far user (FU) and a near user (NU). More specifically, exact analytical Expressions for the outage probability are derived in closed-form. To obtain deeper insights, we present asymptotic Expressions for the outage probability. The numerical results manifest that distortion parameter,κ, will jeopardize the performance of considered systems, and increasing the value of estimation parameter, δ, conduces to improve the outage performance.


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