



主讲: 舒磊 教授



    舒磊,1981年出生,湖北人,博士,爱乐世高新科技服务有限公司CEO, 特聘教授。2012年10月份加入广东石油化工学院,任广东省石化装备故障诊断重点实验室副主任,工业安全与无线传感网络实验室主任、学科带头人,同时担 任英国林肯大学访问教授、大连理工大学博士生导师、北京邮电大学硕士生导师、武汉工程大学兼职教授和硕士生导师、天津科技大学客座教授、广州中国科学院先 进技术研究所客座副研究员。与国内2所985高校以及3所211高校共同合作指导的博士生,研究生,实习生超过30人。曾在国外留学和工作近十年时间,分 别是:韩国庆熙大学4年,爱尔兰国立高威大学3年和日本大阪大学近3年。本科、硕士、博士所学的专业均为计算机科学/工程。一直从事无线传感器网络这个领 域的研究工作。在国内外重要的会议和期刊上发表了270多篇传感器网络领域相关的论文,以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文60余篇,SCI索引收录90多篇, 三大索引收录近200篇。















    吴晓鸰,广东工业大学计算机学院副教授,于2001和2003年获得哈尔滨工业大学的学士和硕士学位,于2008年获得韩国庆熙大学博士学位。博士毕业后作为高级工程师就职于韩国ATLab公司。2012作为海外人才引进深圳先进技术研究院/广州中科院先进技术研究所担任副研究员,2015作为青年百人计划人才引进广东工业大学。共受理国内发明专利近20项、国内授权发明专利2项,作为第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI期刊论文、EI期刊论文和国际会议论文共40余篇。吴晓鸰博士现担任广州市科技和信息局专家库入库专家,广州骏望科技专家,华南理工大学创新班合作导师。她也是IEEE/ACM Member以及多个SCI期刊的guest editor和审稿人、多个国际会议的co-chair。吴晓鸰博士一直从事无线传感网、触摸传感和嵌入式平台等方向的开发与研究。在韩国ATLab公司工作期间,研发了三种触控装置的触摸定位算法,成功应用于ATA系列触摸芯片,申报了7项国际专利,均已授权。吴晓鸰博士于2013获得了竞争性很强的“2014年广州市珠江科技新星专项”人才项目。作为负责人(或核心成员)共承担项目十余项。



摘要:针对大规模无线网络资源信息收集困难的问题,报告人提出利用群智感知技术,即利用智能手机用户收集资源信息的方法,有效解决资源感知与探测网络部署困难的问题。前期初步实验表明,由于设备差异性和设备故障特点,直接利用智能手机采集的接收信号强度(RSS)误差最大可达40dB,无法有效构建频谱信息图。针对群智感知信息的非确定特征,报告人提出了缺失信息条件下的感知信息自校正故障诊断与误差估计算法,对传统EM方法进行了扩展,先利用容限估计方法对误差进行粗估计,再逐步提高精度,有效解决了感知事件未知,模型和参数未知条件下EM方法不适用的问题。尽管群智感知用户无法控制,也无法利用真实信息(Ground Truth)实现主动校正工作,算法依然能够通过收集的不可靠数据,通过有限次迭代实现感知信息的自校正与故障定位。在未知模型和未知参数的状态下,发现由于数据真实性也无法确定,可以利用群智网络的随机游走性和数据互验证特征,通过有限次迭代仍然可以实现有效的收敛(将误差控制在5dB之内)。算法有效地提升了数据质量,也为感知信息的评价、故障诊断和激励机制提供了有效的解决办法。



在中国计算机学会(CCF)认定的A类会议和期刊发表论文共22篇,其中期刊论文13篇,会议论文9篇。国际会议与期刊杂志累计发表文章80余篇。论文被SCI源刊收录和录用30篇,EI收录50余篇。多年来担任ACM MobiHoc,IEEE MASS等国际会议的程序委员会委员,并担任MSCC 2014,2015国际会议程序委员会主席,IEEE MASS,MSN等国际会议分会主席。IEEE IPCCC 2015本地联络主席。国家未来网络研究中心客座编辑,清华信息科学与技术国家实验室物联网技术中心特聘副研究员。

学术报告六:Cooperative Caching-Based Query Optimization in Industrial WSNs for Fault Diagnosis


摘要:Wireless sensor networks have been used extensively to support fault diagnosis in widespread industrial applications, where multiple-attribute sensory data are queried continuously and periodically. Sensory data may not vary remarkably within certain time duration, and these data gathered at a certain time slot for answering concurrent queries may be suitable to be reused for answering forthcoming queries. Hence, a popularity-based cooperative caching mechanism is proposed, where the popularity of sensory data reflects the possibility that sensory data are interested by forthcoming queries. Generally, sensory data with the highest popularity are cached at the sink node, while sensory data that may not be interested by forthcoming queries are cached in the head nodes of grid cells. Leveraging these cached sensory data, queries are answered through composing these two-tier cached data.


    周长兵,中国地质大学(北京信息工程学院副教授,法国国立电信大学南巴黎分校计算机系的客座副教授 (Computer Science Department, Institut Mines-TELECOM / TELECOM SudParis, Evry, France)。曾在法国国立电信大学南巴黎分校计算机系从事博士后研究工作,博士毕业于DERI Galway 爱尔兰,硕士毕业于中国科学院自动化研究所,本科毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)。曾在朗讯科技贝尔实验室(中国)工作过年,任高级研究员职位和项目负责人 ;曾在华为公司北京研究所工作。研究兴趣包括Process-Aware Information System, Service-Oriented Computing, Cloud Computing, Web of Things ,成果发表在SMC-AFGCS JITJNCA CCPE等国际刊物。

学术报告七:Mobile Fault-Discovery and Fault-Tolerant Data Load Reduction for eHealth Networks



摘要:In  daily life, people tend to use mobile networks for more accurate and overall  data. With setting intelligent mobile devices, almost all kinds of data can be  collected automatically, which contributes directly towards the bloom of  eHealth. However, large amount of data also leads us into the era of big data,  in which the requirement of data collection, transmission and processing  improves. To ensure ubiquitous data collection, the scale of mobile eHealth  networks has to be expanded. Also, networks will face more pressure to transmit  large amount of eHealth data. In addition, due to the processing time increases  with data volume, even powerful processor cannot always be regarded as efficient  for big data. In this way, a reliable local data processing architecture (RLDPA)  is proposed to mitigate this contradiction. Functionalities of RLDPA cover  Fault-tolerant Data Transmission, Self-adaptive Filtering and  Data-load-reduction Processing. Specifically, a reliable transmission mechanism,  managed by a self-adaptive filter, will recollect lost or inaccurate data  automatically. Then, a Reduced Variable neighborhood Search (RVNS)-based data  analysis algorithm (RDAA) is designed and called to evaluate the status of the  elderly, based on collected data. RDAA will reduce original data load to a risk  factor, and only dangerous data will be reported to the Remote Health-Care  Provider (RHCP) when its risk factor is larger than a given threshold.


       Kun Wang received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Computer, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, in 2009. He is currently an associate professor in School of Internet of Things, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. Dr. Wang was a postdoc fellow in the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), worked with Prof. Lei He. Dr. Wang has published over 50 papers in related international conferences and journals, including IEEE Trans. on Industrial Infomatics, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, etc.  His current research interests include 1) wireless sensor networks, delay tolerant networks; 2) stream computing, ubiquitous computing; 3) big data processing and its applications; 4) smart gird; 5) information security technologies.

学术报告八:Control Latency Optimization and Fault Tolerance in SDN-Enabled Wireless Networks


摘要:Software Defined Networking (SDN), decoupling the network control from data forwarding, brings great potential to support scalable and flexible future wireless networks. However, different from the SDN-enabled data center networks, wireless environment brings several challenges to existing SDN structure, especially delay and fault tolerance in network control and between the controller and devices. In this talk, I will first discuss the latency and fault tolerance problems of network control in SDN-enabled wireless networks. Then, two methods for control latency optimization in different perspective, including rule caching in SDN-enabled mobile access networks and control plane optimization in SDN-enabled Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) will be introduced. After that, I will discuss the multiple controllers based Byzantine fault tolerance in SDN control plane and conclude our work then present some future plans on SDN-enabled wireless networks.


       Mianxiong Dong received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from The University of Aizu, Japan. He is currently an Assistant Professor with Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan. Before join Muroran-IT, he was a Researcher with National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. He was a JSPS Research Fellow with School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Aizu, Japan and was a visiting scholar with BBCR group at University of Waterloo, Canada supported by JSPS Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program from April 2010 to August 2011. Dr. Dong was selected as Foreigner Research Fellow (A total of 3 recipients all over Japan) by NEC C&C Foundation in 2011. Dr. Dong’s research interests include Wireless Networks, Big Data and Cloud Computing. His research results have been published in 100 research papers in international journals, conferences and books. He is the Best Paper Award winner of IEEE HPCC 2008, IEEE ICESS 2008, ICA3PP 2014 and GPC 2015. Dr. Dong is an editor of Cyber-Physical Systems (Taylor & Francis), leading guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer), Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, guest editor of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Mobile Information Systems, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Dr. Dong is currently a research scientist with A3 Foresight Program (2011-2016) funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS), NSFC of China, and NRF of Korea.



摘要:Extremely powerful computers are needed to help scientists to handle big-data traffic jams. Where are extremely powerful computers? Not in USA or Europe, but in China, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT, Changsha, China). TH-2 will be open online to all the scientists not only in China but also all over the world.

    The era of biology Big Data is coming. The world’s largest genomics institute BGI currently generates 6 TB data each day. The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in Hinxton currently stores 20 petabytes (1 petabyte is 1015 bytes) of data and back-ups about genes, proteins and small molecules. TianHe supercomputer (the World's Most Powerful computer) can speed up biology Big Data processing. In 2013,2014, and 2015, Tianhe-2 topped the TOP500 list of fastest supercomputers in the world. TianHe-2 adopts Neo-heterogeneous architecture by integrating 32000 Intel Xeon CPUs and 48000 Xeon Phis. Many well-known bioinformatics softwares (BWA, SOAP3-dp, SOAPdenovo 2, SOAPfuse, SOAPsnp etc.) are developed and running on TH-2. TianHe Supercomputer can handle 3 kinds of big data problems: computation intensive, memory intensive, and communication intensive. In future, TH-2 will be open online to all the scientists not only in China but also all over the world.


    彭绍亮,博士,研究员,2008年至今在国防科技大学计算机学院从事高性能计算、生物医药、金融计算、移动计算等技术研究工作,并担任高性能生命科学方向负责人,华大基因研究院 “特聘教授”。2008年获国防科技大学计算机学院博士学位,2007年至2008年在香港城市大学计算机系联合培养。曾经主持国家自然科学基金项目3项(重点1项),国家发改委项目1项,省部级项目3项,并以第一作者身份出版学术专著一部(“十一五”国家重点图书)。作为第一作者已经发表学术论文数十篇,其中包括Nature Communication, Genome Biology, BMC Bioinformatics, PLOS ONE, ACM/IEEE Transactions, IPDPDS, ISC 2015, 《中国科学》等。曾参与天河系列超级计算机应用软件研发工作,参与国家973项目、863项目、军队重大型号项目等13项,获军队科技进步一等奖1项。是中国计算机学会高性能计算专委会委员、传感器网络专委会委员、CCF高级会员、YOCSEF长沙2015-2016副主席、ACM/IEEE会员,担任Bioinformatics、TPDS、INFOCOM、JCST、《计算机学报》、《计算机研究与发展》、《国防科技大学学报》等会议和期刊的审稿人,在国际、国内多个程序委员会担任主席、委员等职(如:PADS联合主席, IPDPS, CWSN-2012, WASA 2013, ICCCN等会议的程序委员会委员)。目前申请软件著作权15项,专利11项。

学术报告十:IEEE 802.11ax: Wireless Local Area Networks for Industrial Application in Dense Environments


摘要:Inexpensive, reliable wireless networks allow industrial users to enhance data collection, human-machine interfaces, and web-based system monitoring and management. Applying WLANs to industrial applications presents added challenges, especially in dense environments. Recently, IEEE 802 started a task group to investigate and deliver next generation WLAN technologies for the scenarios of dense networks with a large number of stations and access point. The proposal is specified as the IEEE 802.11ax amendment. Due to the significant network capacity increase achieved by 802.11ax, the term high-efficiency WLAN (HEW) is also used in reference to this new amendment. In this talk I will summarize the IEEE 802.11ax standardization activities in progress and present an overview of the most important features proposed in the 802.11ax amendment.


  邓德隽,台湾彰化师范大学,教授,Journal of Computer杂志主编,International Journal of Communication Systems与Security and Communication Networks杂志编委,台湾云端计算协会监事。主要研究领域:次世代无线区域网络、Quality-of-Service、多媒体通讯等。

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