课程简介 Course Introduction

The principal aim of this course is to provide the research student with a comprehensive overview of theory and application of ontology.students will learn about ontology language features ,reasoning ,ontology reuse and also ontology development.A secondary aim is to provide student a deep theory of description logic which is the formal basis of OWL and formal concept analysis which can be used to construct ontology.Finally,this course will also provide student methods to put ontology into practice.such as semantic network,knowledge discovery,and inforamtion retrieve.

教学大纲 Teaching Syllabus

Outline of the course

1 Introduction

1.1 understanding of data,resource and knowledge

1.2 what is an ontology and what is the usefulness of ontology

2 Ontology language

2.1 XML and XML Schema

2.2 RDF and RDF Schema

2.3 OWL

3 Description logic

3.1 knowledge base :TBOX and ABox

3.2 DL Reasoning

3.3 Jena by example

3.4 sparql by example

3.5 DL Learner by example

4 Ontology construction

4.1 formal concept analysis method

4.2 pretege tools for ontology construction

4.3 Foudational ontologies in specific domain

4.4 cross-domain ontologies

5 Ontology Application

5.1 Ontology application in information retrieve. semantic relatedness

5.2 Linked-Data

5.3 ontology and Database

6 Extra opitional Topics

6.1 from data to knowledge(machine learning method)

6.2 ontology in information system

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  • 刘海
    副教授/Associate Professor
  • 蒋运承
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