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...【转自模式识别与行为分析实验室的团队动态】 http://conferences.computer.org/soca/2016/forcast_st.htm Special Track on Forecasting Services and Technologies for e-Business Aim and scope Forecasting Services and Technolog...

...征稿:CSCW2016 Workshop on Large-scale Collaborative Projects to Affect Societal Changes. February 28, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.截稿日期:12月18日This workshop aims to bring together people from numerous countr...

...各位委员: HCC2014(原ICPCA)会议在柬埔寨召开,时间11月27-29日,7月31日截稿。这是CCF-TCCC(中国计算机学会协同计算专委会)主办的国际会议,请各位撰写稿件,鼓励大家踊跃投稿。注意截稿的时间节点,也请您大家互相通知一下,协助宣传。 会议链接http://www.icpca.bcu.ac.uk/2014/ 会议的相关事宜,请联系组委会祖老师 1...

...HCC2017(原ICPCA)会议将在俄罗斯喀山大学召开,时间2017年8月7-9日,2017年3月31日截稿。HCC2017会议网站将携手学者网对外发布更新,细节敬请期待。 会议邮箱:Hcc_conference@163.com 未尽事宜,请联系组委会武汉理工大学祖老师 zuqiaohong@foxmail.com,竭诚为大家提供服务。 HCC2017组委会 ...

...Theme and Scope Various social computing applications such as blogs, email, instant messaging, social networking(Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), wikis, and social bookmarking have been w...

...The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Announces a Special Issue of the ACES Journal on: Metamaterials and Metadevices for Integrated Sensing, Imaging, and Communication Guest Editors: ...

...Dear Colleagues, The Third International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security (ML4CS 2020) will be held in 8-10 October 2020, in Guangzhou, China (http://nsclab.org/ml4cs2020/index.html)...

...由中国计算机学会(CCF)、中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)主办,CCF多媒体技术专业委员会、CSIG多媒体专业委员会、云南大学承办,昆明理工大学、云南师范大学和云南民族大学联合承办的中国多媒体大会(ChinaMM 2023),将于2023年8月2-4日在云南省昆明市召开。 详情见链接。...

...[We apologize if you receive multiple times this CFP message.] Given the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions, in order to accommodate a large number of attendees in CITS 2022, we a...

...ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications(MONET) Special issue on Recent Advances on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems With the development of wireless communication technologies, e.g.,wir...

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