Announces a Special Issue of the ACES Journal on
ACES-China 2022
Guest Editors:
Dr. Jiaqi Liu, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Test Physics & Numerical Mathematics, ljq006
专刊上线,Call for paper受邀担任SCI期刊Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment(IF=2.876)客座主编,负责组织专刊“Challenges in the Application of Machine Learning in Cancers”。此次是关于机器学习在癌症(肿瘤)疾病中的应用。欢迎各位同行多多
ACM MobiSys is a premier venue for researchers working in the area of mobile and wireless systems, middleware, services, and applications. We solicit workshop proposals for workshops to be held in con
Special Issue “Research Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Social Network Analysis ”
CiteScore: 6.1 . Journal: Big Data and Cognitive Computing.
Deadline for manuscript subm
IEEE CSCWD 2023国际会议(CCF C类)将于明年(2023年)5月24-26日在巴西里约热内卢举办,投稿系统已经开放,截稿时间今年(2022年)11月15日,欢迎各位学者积极投稿。
Collaboration theory and methodology
Design of collaboration methods, processes,
由中国人工智能学会主办、社会计算与社会智能专委、新疆工程学院共同承办的CAAI第八届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议(China National Conference on Big Data & Social Computing,简称BDSC2023)将于2023年7月7-9日在乌鲁木齐召开!该会议创建于2012年,旨在搭建全国大数据与社会计算学术交流平台,培育社会计算与社会智能学科发展,助
2022 12th International Conference on IT in Medicine and Education
XIamen, China, Nov. 18-20, 2022
ITME 2022 Call for Papers
ITME 2022征文
由我、电子科大万少华老师、西马其顿大学Panagiotis Sarigiannidis老师、马来亚大学Shivakumara Palaiahnakote老师共同组织的专刊“Intelligent Computing in Farmland Water Conservancy for Smart Agriculture”已经在Frontiers in Plant Scienc
由我,中南财经政法万少华老师与马来亚大学Shivakumara Palaiahnakote老师共同组织的专刊“Edge AI for IoT Systems”已经在 Journal of Sensor and Actuator Network (JCR Q1,ESCI, CiteScore:6.2)上线。专刊主要关注人工智能与边缘计算的交叉理论,技术与应用研究。
International Conference on
Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence
Oct. 28-30, 2022 / Changsha, China
With the development of virtual reality technology, its app