安卓应用的文章近期将在EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education发表
来源: 刘忆宁/

与台湾清华大学孙宏民教授等合作完成的文章被EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education录用,并将于近日在线发表。

An Automatic UI Interaction Script Generator for Android Applications Using Activity Call Graph Analysis

As the Android’s growth in global market share, the security problem of Android OS becomes more and more serious. According to statistics, there are 84% of smartphone users use Android OS. The popularity brings not only wealth into Android market but also more and more malicious applications. Malicious developers want to steal private information such as credit card number, contacts, or email from Android phones. Android has sustained security issue for a long time. Academics also have put many efforts to solve the problem. Dynamic analysis is one of the methodologies for Android malware detection. Current execution of dynamic analysis needs to deploy heavy human resources. There is always someone needed to access the user interface manually, or the work can hardly be finished. In this work, we propose an approach on Android UI automation. Our implemented system output an Android mOnkeyrunner scripts, which is custom made for input Apk. The script program can trigger UI event automatically and deal with exception conditions while executed in mOnkeyrunner.

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